46. The Return of the Missing Mother

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Sebastian was discharged from the hospital after two days. The moment I placed him in my arms my heart was full and complete. We made it back to the house to a welcome home party. There stood Mr.Maxwell, Libby, Carter, Nonna, Landon, and my other two babies.

"Welcome back, my little guy," Mr.Maxwell said as he rushed toward me and grabbed Sebastian.

Who would have thought one of the most powerful CEO's of the world would have such a soft spot for his grandchild.

"You guys did not have to do this," I said.

"Of course we did this is my grandchild and he deserves the very best after fighting for his life. My little boy is so strong." Mr. Maxwell said as he was pinching Sebastian's cheeks.

"Also, Elizabeth won't stop crying and she's been sleeping in Sebastian's crib the past two nights." Carter butted in.

"She missed her brother. They shared the same uterus so of course, they're close." Dylan chuckled.

Nonna walked towards us with Elizabeth in her arms as soon as she saw Sebastian in her grandfather's arms she stretched out her tiny arms too.

She began giggling when she saw her twin brother. Sebastian gave her a big toothless smile. When these two grew up, of course, they were going to be inseparable.

After my little twins go caught up I went to Brandon's room to see him asleep.

"We do have some beautiful kids," Dylan whispered as he wrapped her arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"We sure do. They all have your looks."

"Nope the twins definitely have your smile, Brandon looks just like me when I was a baby." I sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"When the kids grow up I don't want Brandon to feel left out with the twins. I'm afraid he may not feel that I'm his mother."

"Kota, we will be honest with him when the time comes. A mother is not the one who births you, but the one who nurtures you and you've been doing a great ass job. You're a wonderful mother no doubt in my mind about that. Brandon will not feel left out we will make sure of it. We will love all of them equally." He said as he kissed the side of my head. Those were the words I needed to hear.

Brandon began fuzzing, and next thing I know he opened his eyes and gave me one his famous smiles.

"Let's take him downstairs with his brother and sister he probably missed Sebastian," Dylan said as he grabbed Brandon from the crib and carried him downstairs.

As we were walking downstairs I heard yelling? Dylan turned to look at me with a confused look. I began walking in front of him until I was downstairs staring at the scenario in front of me.

Mr.Maxwell was fuming. He was shaking and Carter was frozen in his spot. There standing in front of them was a woman in her mid 40's. She was slim, with wavy black long hair, a pale complexion, and beautiful eyes. She reminded me of someone, but I couldn't pinpoint who.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Mr.Maxwell seethed.

Never had I seen him so furious. It was a scary thing to see he was always so calm.

"I have a right to be here, Brian."

"You lost every damn right when you walked out of here, Karen."

"They're still my children." My eyes widened as realization hit me. This was Dylan's mother no wonder she looked familiar she looked just like Dylan, but your female version.

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