40. Real Vows

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Two months have gone by since the last time I saw Carter after Alec's proposal.

I tried tracking his phone, but it was impossible. He wouldn't pick up my calls it's like he fell off the face the of the earth.

"He's probably throwing a tantrum don't take it personal." Libby tried consoling me after I told her what happened.

"I don't think so Lib. He was beyond upset I had never seen him like that."

"He'll get over it he's a big boy."

"I truly hope so. I need him here. I miss him and the kids clearly miss him too. They keep walking to his room."

"He can't live without you, and especially not the kids. The kids have become a huge part of his life he's been trying to bring them up like Dylan would have. He's trying to take that father role without actually claiming to be the father."

"I know and I don't think I ever thanked him for what he does. I took him for granted."

"He knows that you're very thankful for him. He's just hurt because he probably thinks that Alec is going to take his role specifically Dylan's role."

I sighed and laid back on the chair.

"You'll be fine. He'll come back around. He wouldn't miss the wedding."

The wedding.

Alec wanted it to be soon as possible, and I found no reason to delay it plus I wanted something very small just within our family and friend circle.

So it was to happen in two days.

The wedding was to be in the house since we had a beautiful backyard.

"Are you ready?" Libby asked.

"For what?"

"Don't be silly. For your wedding."

"Oh, yeah."

"You don't sound very happy."

"No I am. I am just very tired from work and planning this wedding."

"Everything will be done in two days. You'll be on your honeymoon with your very beautiful husband."

"My husband."

This was going to be the second time I was to get married.

Married to a man I believe I loved.

But did I love him as much as Dylan?

Did I feel that passionate and consuming love I felt for my late husband?

No, but it was still love.

"You guys are about to have the most beautiful blue eyed babies."

"I don't think I want anymore children."

"Why not?"

"I already have three beautiful kids who have caused me enough stress and sleepless nights."

"Well maybe in the near future."

"Maybe." I repeated.

"What about you Libby how's your love life? Any guys in your mind or heart?"

"There's one, but it's not going to happen."

"Why not?"

"It wasn't the right time. The universe had different plans."

"Any guy would be lucky to be you. You'll find the right guy."

"I hope so."

Two Days Later

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