Chapter 16

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Author's Note:

Thank you so much for the support! Enjoy the chapter.

You all know that we had issues with my account earlier but now things are fine.

Sorry the chapter is late—like really late. I'm still trying to learn poker and I'm putting off writing chapters because of that.

Third POV

This was a sign: it's okay to let go now. You're going to be fine. No matter what the emotions are that meets your future.

Leading a life without Kenma would be fine... right?

Your POV

If she had started with 20 dollars then you had to bet 40. Those were the rules of the game.

40 dollars. Yeah, what's there to loose?

Doubt crawled all over you.

40 bucks of money to pay for bills and necessities were going down to waste. Not to mention that this was only the beginning of the game, there was still so much more raise.

You wordlessly place 40 dollars worth of chips onto the table and if you paid attention enough, you knew now that B/n/1 would now be passing everyone two cards.

As you thought. B/n/1 passes two cards each to everyone. At this stage we can look at.

You peek at your cards and see a 7 of clovers and 6 of clovers. Maybe you could get a flush or a straight?

"I call $40." B/n/3 says easily, placing his chips. Isn't he worried about loosing money?

"I call." G/n/3 states. Same for her. Isn't she worried too?

You shouldn't be so worried but can't bother to stop. If you loose. You're throwing away so much money.

But you miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take.

If your peers weren't worried than you shouldn't be... right?

If you folded out now, you would hate yourself for not trying something new and not taking a chance. But, if you lost money and got nothing back in return than, you'd end up seeing the game as a waste and still hate yourself for loosing the money.

Guess you'd just have to win.

It didn't seem that hard. You'd just have to have a little bit of luck.

G/n/1 announces "I call." Putting in $40 of chips along side.

B/n/2 is the last to perform an action. "I raise $60."

He announces a dangerously high amount—okay not that high but to you it is.

Now the cycle repeats.

"I call." G/n/2 says, adding the $20 chip to her stack.

"I call." You do the same as G/n/2.

Then look to G/n/3 to see what she'll do.

"I call." G/n/3 says breezily, looking at her phone, texting on one hand while placing a chip.

"I call." B/n/3 grumbles. He leans back against the floor, legs folded under the coffee table.

"I call." G/n/2 sighs out.

"Now that's done." B/n/1 says. "This is the end of the first round of betting." He takes the chips we had put out from in front and pulls them towards the middle in front of him.

"We're moving into the flop." B/n/2  places four cards face down onto the table and reveals the value of the first one. A 5 of diamonds. The second. A 8 of spades. The third. A 9 of clovers. 

Well what do you know. A straight.  You're surprised. Nothing has ever gone your way before. Much less something as of importance as this. 

G/n/2 decides to check. 

You do the same. You didn't want to add any more of your money. 

G/n/3, B/n/3, and G/n/1 does the same as well.

B/n/2 raises to $100. 

"This games getting dry. Someone has to get things going." He explains. 

Now the turn goes onto G/n/2 who folds out. She folds down her cards, hiding the value of them to everyone else. 

"I call." You announce, putting in $100 worth of chips. There was a slight chance you could still win and the only person you needed to worry about was B/n/2 who seemed more competitive and more experienced in the game then the rest. 

No offense to G/n/1, G/n/2 or B/n/3, but they didn't seem to pose as much as a threat to you as B/n/2 did. 

G/n/3 folds out, placing her cards faced up, exposed onto the table. She had a three of diamonds, and king of hearts. 

B/n/3 calls and matches $100. 

G/n/1 does the same. 

"Now onto the third round--The turn." B/n/1 announces dramatically. 

You now have to start. The game is left between you, B/n/3, G/n/1, and B/n/2. 

B/n/1 puts down a fourth card, right next to the revealed three. It's an ace of spades. 

Now it is your turn to bet. You still don't know how things in particular are suppose to work or whatnot whether how you win. So you decide to bet a safe $60. 

"I raise to $120." B/n/3 challenges, sending you a side glance. 

"That's it. I fold." G/n/1 announces, placing her cards face up and removing herself from the table. 

"I raise to $240." B/n/2 challenges, glancing quickly at the both of you. You're a bit intimidated by them both. 

The turn moves onto you. "I call." You say halfheartedly, but you weren't going to give up. There was still a chance you could win, and you held onto that. A straight is right in between the hierarchy of cards. The chances of them getting something of higher value were low. 

At this point all they could do was intimidate until one of us decide to fold. 

"I call." B/n/3 says, placing the correct amount of chips onto the table. 

"Wow!" G/n/1 coos out in awe. 

"Things are getting more intense now." B/n/1 makes a side comment before saying aloud, "Continuing onto the river, and the fourth round of betting." 

B/n/1 places one more card aside the fourth one, and revealing the value to be a queen of diamonds. 

"I check." You call out. 

"I fold." B/n/3 announces. Then turns to look at you, adding a side comment, "I didn't think you'd last this long." 

"I didn't think so either..." You replied softly. 

"I check." B/n/2 steadily responds, crossing his arms. 

B/n/1 smiles widely, eyes glimmering with mischief, and excitement. 

"Time to reveal your hands." He says slow, and daunting.   

Haikyuu Cheater Kenma X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें