Chapter 29

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Author's Note

Enjoy! I'm going to try and update more often, to actually finish off this story to work on a new one.

Thank you for still reading!

Your POV

You've pulled yourself back into the expensive hotel. Fingers pressed over your eyelids while you're hunched into some corner.

Gods... why is this happening?

You look back up, numerous amounts of people are walking past you, entering into different walls of the building. Some walk up the gold railed stairs, some travel through the elevator, and some go outside the sliding door.

It's going to be noon pretty soon, and you want to have some time before you have to do your poker games.

Terushima was just a one time thing.

No need to remember.

"Y/n! Kaori's not texting me baaaccckk!" The boy whines. Legs swinging erratically off the cushions of your couch.

You're sat at the table, studying work your teacher has assigned as homework.

"You shouldn't be bothering her. Kaori is a top student, she's probably studying very hard right now." You grit your teeth, a bitter edge coming into your voice.

Of course that was unnoticeable to Yuuji.

"Focus on your own homework. Ms. Hina isn't going to be happy if you skip again."

"But Y/nnnnnnnnnn," He whines, curling up onto the cushion, knees to his chest.

"Kaori is so cool! And homework is so BORING!" His voice booms at the end, huffing out dramatically as he leans himself back into your shoulder. Slumping against you.

"Plus I have you to do it for me."

Dark fluffy head of hair presses into your neck, Yuuji lazily leaning into your shoulder, causing you to be unable to write because of the pressure.

"Not anymore." You spit. "Get off me," with a  scowl, your other hand goes up to pinch at his ear.

"Ow—ow—" His face scrunches, eyes squinting and cheeks convulsing.

"Maybe Kaori would like you more if you did your work." You release his ear once he's scrawled his way back to the other side of the couch. The boy rubbing his hair with the palm of his hand to release the tension.

He pouts. Lips turning downwards. "But I don't want to..."

"You want the girl but don't want to put in any effort?" Your eyebrows raise. "Kaori doesn't even like you. She's too good for you."

That's when Yuuji's expression turns sour. Eyes darkening and an unimpressed frown forms on his face.

"When I get a boyfriend, I'll make sure to put in my full effort. Unlike you!" You spit out bitterly. He just couldn't see you, at all. You've been here for him the whole time. You guys have been best friends since the beginning of second year.

"Yeah right!" He bickers back. "Like anyone will ever love you. You won't even get a boyfriend in high school!"

It stings.

"You don't mean that Yuuji..." You pause. Looking at him, praying it not be true. Cause at least he loved you, wether it be friend or lover.

His eyes soften, eyebrow tension lessening and his lips shake.

"I'm sorry." He whispers. "I really like Kaori... and I know she's too good for me." Yuuji is looking down, fiddling with his feet that are pressed together and wiggling his toes.

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