Chapter 9

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Author's Note:

I never expected to have this many readers. I don't want to sound cliche, but from the bottom of my heart thank you for enjoying my story!

Third POV

It had finally happened. You broke up with Kenma, and he was finally able to live on with his life without the stress of keeping his secret.

Still healing from the aftereffects of being cheated. You can't help but still love Kenma no matter what.

Your POV

"Hello Y/n-san." You hear, you barely heard it, and you know it's from farther away in the room. You  turn to see who it is. There you spot B/n/3 waving at you, other hand in his pocket, and slouching slightly to hide his form.

You are currently working on your group project with Kenma, to which the atmosphere was becoming tense, and awkward.

"Hello B/n/3!" You reply brightly. Oh finally, someone who will brighten your day after meeting with Kenma like this.

You see him move his eyes across the table, starting with your form and to Kenma's pudding colored hair. You see a realization spark within his darkened color eyes. B/n/2 steps closer and whispers in your ear as you sit up and approach him.

"I thought you and him were done?" He whispers quietly.

"We are..." you reply, a bit sadly, eyebrows slanted down. "But we were paired as partners for this class to work on the current project." You explain.

B/n/3 nods in stunning realization and before he can turn away:

"Don't mind that though. I didn't realize we were in the same last period." You state.

"Yeah..." he mumbles, and walks off to his partner, to which you can see is Takeayu Seyuki, an exuberant peer of yours.

You watched him until Takeayu slaps B/n/3's back and they both conversed about what you assumed to be the project.

"Who was that?" A voice draws you out of your thought. You tilt your head towards Kenma.

"My friend." You say a little hesitant. Had B/n/3 considered you a friend? It would be stupid to call yourself his friend if he didn't consider you one.

But that didn't matter because Kenma had this strange look on afterwards: a mixture between a slightly scrunched up nose, and a badly hidden scowl.

If you were stupid enough, you'd say that he was jealous.

But you aren't stupid so you weren't going to say it.

"Let's just focus on the project." You say, you make sure to express the edge and discomfort to your voice, and in reply he nods, still not paying attention to you.


You come back home crying. A twinge or upset in your stomach, and a sting to your heart.

Your pristine white door is closed shut behind you, to which you begin to lean on it and slide down till your curling into a fetal, against the door position you see girls do after a breakup in a movie.

Except this wasn't a movie.

The reason you're crying is because you saw Kenma walking with his new girlfriend, along with Kuroo ever so jovially laughing, and joking around with her.

What were you then? Did Kuroo even miss being your friend? Well... of course he didn't, his legion with Kenma was stronger then yours. Which made it all too sad when he became so chummy with Kenma's girlfriend.

You didn't even know her name... not that it would make the situation better.

How has everyone in the volleyball team fared when Kenma had told them you and him were no longer together?

Maybe they already knew and they didn't care. Nekoma's Volleyball team are a bunch of fakes.... you shouldn't say that.

When coming over for practice for that one consecutive month when you hadn't had any other things to do, you found that you enjoyed being with the team.

Yamamoto had cheered, trying to persuade you to be their female manager. In response, Yaku scolded him for bothering you.

There was Yaku, the fair and motherly Yaku. Always reprimanding Lev for being lazy, and not trying hard enough. But Yaku was very kind towards you. Always such a precious, and entertaining person to be around, and talk to.

Now Lev, always so childish, and free, of course that's the freedom of being a first year. Lev was exceptionally enjoyably to be around, always so funny, quite idiotic actually but you wouldn't change that for the world.

Lastly, Kuroo, who happened to be Kenma's best friend. If you were being honest, if you didn't like Kenma so much you'd be attracted to Kuroo. As most girls in Nekoma High had been attracted to how tousled, and hot his hair made him portray.

But nothing ever did top off Kenma. It had you questioning, would you be alright? Would you be able to survive your life till the end? The thought of being without him for the rest of your life made you anxious, and fearful.

For the rest of your life. You would be without the Nekoma team, and without Kenma. You had no other friends. No other connections. It wasn't healthy, but you didn't bother to make other connections when the best thing was already here with you...

The thought made you curl closer inward yourself. Self pity hitting downgrading self esteem.

How could he leave you like this? How could he? You didn't do anything wrong. Not that you knew of, but you both could've talked it out! It's too late now. Things could never go back and it pulsed the little beads of blood within your heart expressing pain.

It sent chills threw your body.

Then another thought struck:

How could you survive on your own? Chills once again filtered through your arms.

Would you be able to happy without Kenma for the rest of your life?

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