Chapter 31

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Author's note

If by correction or idk man, if by my imaginary outline. This is the last chapter of this book. Book 2 will be out somewhere in a month or something.

And if you've heard the recent news; Technoblade (aka Alex) has died. I'm in a state of mind where I want to be sad, and angsty. I am actually sad and angsting right now. But I'm not gonna go into a rant about it. They do say to wait for the author's next mental breakdown/angst session for a chapter. This is it; this is the mental breakdown. If this chapter's short and I can't bullshit anymore words to reach 1K words then idk I've probably written what needed to be said.

Please enjoy. And take care of yourselves.

I don't say it enough but truly, thank you for reading. This shouldn't have as much views as it does.

Y/n's POV

You rouse only when there's large sounds of bustling and rustling. Then incessant beeping fills your ears. Slow, rhythmic and somewhat soothing. It comes to full frontal reality when you turn your head and come face to face with a group of people.

Save for them, you're in a medical cot. With tubes connected to your inner wrist—when did your hands get bigger?

And are they?

What are they doing here?

But where is Yuuji?—man, fuck Yuuji.

Better question is where is Kenma?

"Go get the doctor, Y/n's awake." One of the males order.

"Hey are you feeling alright?" One of the girls
come up to your cot and reach for your wrist—which you allow.

Very much so do you allow her to, for her voice is soft and comforting.

You watch the way her delicate fingers wrap around your wrist and then look back up to her face—still clueless as to who she is.

"Y/n?" She puzzles, leaning closer. The others behind her congregate to you, confusion and worry in their own expressions.

Your head shrinks into your body. Sheepishly falling into yourself.

"Sorry, I don't know you."

Third POV

The doctors suspected that you would have some of amnesia, falling from that height. They just didn't know how far you would go back.

"What's the last thing you remember?" The doctor asks, staring into you, along with the others eagerly and worryingly watching closely.

"Coming home from school." Y/n responded. Not adding anymore.

That day had been sad. With Yuuji's constant ignorance of you.

"How old are you?" He takes out a clipboard, writing a few scratches before looking back up to her.

"Fifteen." She replies.

That causes a sort of puzzling expression to fall on his face. Then clears it up with a slight cough of his throat as he gives a side glance to the shortest of the boys.

Something is definitely wrong. Your hands are bigger than what you remember. You don't even know how you got into the hospital—and your voice. It's deeper, more matured.

"What happened to me?" You look to the others—people you don't know, eyes lost—with a certain measurement of fear.


It's awkward. God doesn't like the energy they've made here in the elevator.

Both; Kenma and Terushima are standing side by side. Not giving the other a pigment of attention.

"The hell are you even doing here?" Terushima grits. "Do you even know Y/n?"

"You have no right to call her by her first name. It's L/n to you." Kenma snaps back.

The elevator doors open and both boys bolt through the opening—trying to see who reaches your hospital room first.

In a burst of energy, both boys make it into the doorway. Alerting you and the 6 others in the room with you. How they managed to get all six to stay? Only Eban knows.

"What are you doing here?" Zion snaps, almost threateningly to the both of them.

"Whose that dude?" Gennai turns to the others.

"Dunno, just a dude who bugged Y/n." Alexis explains, her own eyes narrowing in on both Kenma and Terushima.

"Obviously get them both out." Eban snaps. "Call security."

Your eyes widen and search the room. Irises scattering back and forth from  the 6 that are at your side and the two at the door.

"Wait, let Kenma stay. He didn't do anything wrong." You eyes falter when you tug at Eban's sleeve.

He turns to you incredulously. Looking so extremely unsure and shocked.

"Please." You plead to him, desperately. Kenma, just the one you were looking for. Out of everyone in this room, he's the one you're most comfortable with.

"But Terushima can go." You add clipped.

That receives an off sounding whine coming for Terushima. His golden brown irises widening as he tries to catch your expression as he's being pulled away.

"But Y/n—" and he's stopped from continuing.

As soon as the room is relatively quiet, you ignore the stares and disbelieved looks of everyone else in exchange for looking at Kenma. Pleading with your eyes for him to come to you.

And of course he makes his way to you.

He looks much older, as does Terushima. Kenma's hair is stripped of its blonde, sinking back into its natural brown-black.

You reach over, in attempts to not tug at your wires. Kenma tips his head over, allowing you to run your hands throw his hair. Something he missed very much.

"You're hair is so different now..." you offhandedly comment. Now ignoring the other people in the room. 

"Yeah." He smiles small. He's unsure of what's going on but he'd rather this... than explaining what earth shattering reality he might receive.

He'd do anything to keep you like this forever.

Haikyuu Cheater Kenma X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora