Chapter 23

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Author's Note

So sorry for the late update. Thank you for waiting.

Y/n's POV

Walking out of the elevator back into the more comfortable and well adjusted room you were used to, you see don't see B/n/1, or B/n/3 in assumption that they are sleeping.

On the couch is G/n/2, G/n/1 who looks very sleepy, and G/n/3 who waves you over in an excited motion once she sees you.

B/n/2 is off to a random corner, speaking quietly on his phone.

"Hey Y/n!" G/n/2 greets, looking you up and down, mostly just analyzing your expression.

You nod back and give a little wave before moving to sit down besides them.

G/n/1 yawns and leans over, resting her head on your shoulder.

"Did she have any sugar?" You ask, pointing to her.

"Not tonight, but B/n/2 did say she could have some tomorrow so..." G/n/3 answers with a grin. "I doubt any of us are going to sleep tomorrow."

"How long is the tournament going to continue on for?" G/n/3 asks.

"Three more days? Assuming?" You reply, unsurely.

A silence ensues between the three of you, G/n/1 already put to sleep.

"How was Kenma?" G/n/2 unsubtly questions, leaning in on the palm of her hand as she gets comfortable on the back of the couch.

You sigh out. "You wouldn't believe..."

G/n/3 laughs in return, "Oh we would."

"He asked me if we wanted to get back together again, I mean, how stupid is that? If things didn't work out the first time why would they work out the second?" You rant, frowning.

"You have a point there, but keep in mind that you both have grown up, and you are definitely a big girl now." G/n/2 inputs, and with a smile she adds "I wouldn't be surprised if your relationship did change the second time around."

You stare at her. And analyze her expression for any sort of bullshittery.

"Deadass?" You ask, raising your eyebrows high.

"Dead fucking ass." She responds confidently.

"Don't go making dumb choices just yet, save that for G/n/1 and B/n/3." G/n/3 intercepts.

"If you didn't feel appreciated in high school and all that then problems from before might arise in your relationship now. If you're going to get back together at least talk about it beforehand," G/n/3 explains.

"You guys are always trying to jump on shit—no G/n/2 not a dick, that's different—don't give me that look—"

"Wow you could've fucking fooled me." G/n/2 adds, rolling her eyes.

"Back to the conversation," G/n/3 huffs. "I am this close to falling apart." She exaggerates, pressing her pointer and thumb together.

"Your fingers are touching." G/n/2 points out.

"Exactly." G/n/3 spits out. Moving over you to smack the back of G/n/2's head. "Now shut up and let me talk."

"Y/n don't listen to this weed whacker, you choose, she does have a point about how you have grown but don't go jumping ship immediately and hop on Kenma's rich dick." The other reasons.

"We already got B/n/2 here, he's as rich as they get." G/n/2 added.

"No shit Sherlock but he's gonna leave us some day to become this famous rich idiot and forget us. Always gotta have that second plan." G/n/3 adds.

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