Chapter 13

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Third POV

This was a sign: it's okay to let go now. You're going to be fine. No matter what the emotions are that meets your future.

Your POV

You aren't an idiot, so you don't text back. Must be a wrong number thing or a prank.

You pocket back your phone and continue walking forward. What would you and Kenma do right at this moment if you haven't broken up.

Before you can think of another thought, ding from your phone stops you.

With the swish of your school skirt you take your phone out, with much reluctance. Then you begin to walk forward while viewing the text.

You've walked home while being distracted with another thing before. Kenma for example.

[*** *** **** Text]
4:03 PM


[*** *** **** Text]
4:03 PM

Why aren't you texting back?

[*** *** **** Text]
4:03 PM

Did B/n/3 give me the wrong number?

This had peaked your interest. So then you decided to text back.

[*** *** **** Text]
4:04 PM

Who is this?

That seemed much better then immediately introducing yourself to someone random.

You assumed that since they had mentioned B/n/2 they must've been someone from the group, but you wouldn't go out and say it straight out.

[*** *** **** Text]
4:05 PM

Ugh, I'm really hoping B/n/2 didn't crap me out. Y/n is that you? If it reassures you, I am G/n/3--obviously.

First thing, how did B/n/2 get your number? Since by the way she's talking, seems to be that she got your number from B/n/2. Did you somehow give it to him or something?

[*** *** **** Text]
4:05 PM

Yes I am. But how did B/n/2 even get my number??

Great, give your name to a person that could be posing as G/n/3, trying to lure you for no reason whatsoever. 

[*** *** **** Text]
4:06 PM

He's a rich kid. He has his... connections.

That's somewhat scary sounding, but whatever. Despite this, you wonder why she had decided to text you in the first place.

[*** *** **** Text]
4:07 PM

Anyway I was wondering if  you wanted to play another game with us? We're looking for you to choose this time, or if you don't have any then B/n/1 can always choose, it's not like he's running out or anything.

Great, play games with the people who became friends to nosy into your business...

Sounds good, it's not like you had anything else to do.

[*** *** **** Text]
4:08 PM

I don't have anything in mind.

You almost send the text, but stop, and add more words as an afterthought before you send. 

[*** *** **** Text]
4:08 PM

I don't have anything in mind.
Do you guys want to come over...?

It came out a bit awkward but you've done worst.  You pressed send and let it deliver to her. You wondered where G/n/3 lived, and where the others had. G/n/3 did note to you that B/n/2 was rich, hopefully he didn't live too far away, but when you're rich you have others to drive you so that shouldn't be an issues.

[*** *** **** Text]
4:09 PM

Yes. I'll notify the others. Would tomorrow work for you?

[*** *** **** Text]
4:09 PM


That is the last thing you send before exciting out of the messaging app.

It's not like you had anyone else to be with... usually after school on Fridays you and Kenma would go out to eat, well what considered to be him playing phone games on one hand and holding yours with the other.

He did pay attention to you. He was just awkward about it. You thought you guys had grown closer, but there must've been a time where Kenma has grown tired of you.

It's okay. You decide. It's not okay another part of you says.

No it's okay you try to rationalize with yourself, whilst opening the door with your key and closing it behind you, locking it from the inside.

Then you remember somewhere you read online that rationalization (is what you're doing right now) is a self defense mechanism.

What are you defending yourself from? Wasn't everything resolved when Kenma had told you he was sorry?

Confusion and frustration muttered up inside you. You clamped your cheek from the inside and held it there with your teeth, not biting too hard to draw blood.

You couldn't help but throw your school bag onto your couch and stomp up to your room in frustration.

What's right? What's wrong? You're so confused. What do you do now?

There's no time for self reflection. It's time to do homework... but, homework didn't sound so appealing when you were all alone, parents living somewhere else, no self motivation, the building of self pity, and the sensitivity of having no real friends.

How could inviting others into your home drive you down like this? It's not that deep Y/n. 

The only thing you did was curl into your blanket, wrapping it tightly around you, and falling into a sleep. You nuzzled deeper into the sheets you and Kenma once shared when cuddling.

You missed Kenma, and through his awkwardness you missed his warmth.

You missed him so much. You hate being lonely everyday. Maybe with the exception of your newer friend group, but to you they were just stand ins for what Kenma doesn't want to give you anymore: love.

Enough with this. Maybe it was just your period and the emotions you felt at the moment were nothing but just your hormones acting up.

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