I'm Not Leaving You

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It's been three days and Carol Spears is still in the wind, with no one having any idea as to where she could possibly be. 

"Here's the maintenance log from last shift, I completely forgot I still had it" I place it on Kelly's desk, noticing how there isn't an inch of his office that isn't covered by arson files. Carol's picture on top of half of the files.

"You heard anything from intelligence?" I ask, "Voight said they are in the middle of something and we should sit tight and trust the process" I can hear how unimpressed he is from his voice. 

"Intelligence always comes through in the end" I point out, "I mean they found out about the whole Rachel thing and I had been hiding that for years" I try to lighten the mood but it doesn't work. 

"She's had 15 years to calm down" he mentions, "15 years of inactivity" he adds, "now that she's back, that's 15 years of an unearthed compulsion to set fires, she might not ever stop!" He states. 

"This is the last thing I thought would ever come out of my mouth" he disclaims, "but I wish Benny was here" he adds. "I mean he would have half the department out looking for her" he throws one of the files back onto the table.

"You know the more you stare at those files, the less you see, Kelly" I sit down next to him, "you need to rest and look at it with fresh eyes so you don't miss anything" I advise. "Maybe it would help not to put so much pressure on yourself" I start to massage his shoulders and neck.

Kneading the tense knots under his skin while he rolls his neck.

"You're probably right" he agrees, "I know I'm right" I reply, "but it's a good thing I have fresh eyes so toss me a file" I stop massaging and hold my hand out. 

"Here you go" he smiles thankfully as I get reading, leaning against the wall as I get comfy in his bunk. 

"What am I looking for smartass?" I tease, finally managing to lighten the mood, "anything that can tell us where she could be" he replies after he stops chuckling. 

"Do you have a map of Chicago?" I question, "yeah somewhere" he looks under the files before throwing me a map. I pin it up on his wall and grab a marker from his desk as Kelly watches me intensely.

"Okay, so she clearly isn't going to go back to her house or any other properties that could lead back to her" I start, marking where her house is on the map. "Like Captain Hubble said, she is likely to be a loner and not have any friends to lay low with, so wherever she is, she is by herself" I conclude.

"Since she is alone, she is likely to stay in an area that is familiar to her" I add.

"She knows the police are after her and she wants to tempt them but she doesn't want to get caught so easily" I continue, "so maybe she is staying under the radar in a motel like Jess and I did" I theorise.

"But then she is still planning her arson attacks, so she would choose a place to lay low that has a hardware store within 15 miles maximum" I start to plot it down, "plus she also would want to be close to her targets to limit her time on the road" I add.

"Why?" Kelly questions. 

"Because the more time on the road, the more chance of getting caught or flagged by a traffic camera" I answer. 

"What are you saying?" Kelly questions. 

"We need to tell PD to narrow their focus and search area" I dictate, "tell them to send her face to every hardware and grocery store and gas station in the area, any place where she can find these materials" I explain.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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