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Sitting outside Amber's house for the twelfth time since I last showed up, I would go to the door but Harry is still there and I don't want to get Amber in trouble.

So far all the glimpses I have got of her show that she doesn't have any new injuries that I can see. But it doesn't mean that either she or Abigail are safe in that house, though I have to admit that she is great at acting like everything is okay with her neighbours.

I mean if I didn't know her as well as I do, I would have believed her mugging story very easily.

One of these days, Harry is going to leave the house and I can go and help Amber, even if she doesn't want to see me right now, I am not going to abandon her.

Not when she needs me the most.


Brett's P.O.V.

"I'm pretty sure that's why there's a rule about not dating in the firehouse" Otis comments, "you dated Olivia too" I remind him. "Yeah but at least I handled the break up well" he defends, "not how we remember it" Mouch comments.

"Fine I had a moment but after that, I was cool" he is right, after their massive argument about why she said no to marrying him, they talked it out and haven't had any drama since.

"But aren't you guys used to this by now?" Foster questions, "I mean you've told me how on and off they are" she reminds us. "Yeah, but this time is different," Otis states, "I mean, that argument was really bad," he sighs.

"They were barely raising their voice," Foster mentions, not understanding the significance of Jerry Lou.

Severide bringing that up was a complete low blow, and I can see why it's got Olivia questioning everything because he must have known she would find that incredibly upsetting.

I didn't really believe Olivia when she said that his default was hurting her but now I see it, he doesn't really understand that his words carry more power sometimes. I mean I was on his side because I thought he was going to change.

But he hasn't.

"Yeah but it's what he said" Otis keeps it vague, "he was really out of line" he adds.

"You know I feel for Olivia" Stella states, "she has done nothing but love him unconditionally" she continues. "I mean she has risked her life for him countless of times and yet he still doesn't appreciate it" she adds.

"I mean we all know he loves her just as much but he is just so bad at showing it!" She exclaims.

"I know," I agree, "I understand why Olivia's fed up; I would be too," I add, "it's exhausting loving someone who does everything they can to make you not love them," I can relate.

"Yeah, it's easy for you to feel for Olivia when you are not on Squad," Cruz sighs.

"Tell me about it," Capp rolls his eyes, "they are both in such bad moods," he adds, "barking out commands at us instead of talking with each other," he explains.

"And don't even get me started on sitting in the actual rig," Cruz scoffs, "at least you don't sit next to Lewis," Capp replies. "I had to move up a seat because just the heat from all her anger keeps radiating off her," he describes, "I have to wear actual sunscreen just to sit next to her," he doesn't seem like he's joking.

"Yeah but I sit behind Severide, so when he yells, it bursts my eardrums" Cruz sighs.

"Plus they do this weird thing where they look at each other in the mirror, stare for a while, get really sad and then look away" Tony chimes in.

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