Always a Catch

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(A/N: Just know I changed this episode up massively, I skip entirely out the Chloe storyline because, in my story, she is not dating Cruz.)

"You know you can back out anytime," Foster says as we get changed, "back out from?" I wonder. "Our bet about you and Severide getting back together," she reminds me, "and miss out on $100, you're crazy," I reply.

"Please, we all saw your little moment after you saved him from the fire," she recalls, "you guys are either stupid or blind if you think that you're done," she says.

"I might be stupid and blind, but at least I'll be $100 richer," I smirk.

"You know what, I don't trust you" Foster remarks, "I think you're dragging your feet till New Year and then after I pay up, you're going to get back together" she theorises. "Definitely not," I scoff, "so you wouldn't mind me adding an extra term?" She questions.

"Add whatever you want," I shrug.

"You guys can't get back together until April, or you pay me back" she states, "done" I instantly agree. "And I mean, no kissing or anything" she adds in, "wait a second" I think about it.

I mean, I know we aren't getting back together, but I don't know how I am going to stay strong and not act on my urges around him.

The last time I tried to satisfy my impulses with someone else, I ended up saying Kelly's name. I'm pretty sure that my body doesn't respond to anyone other than him at this point.

"You know what, fuck it, I'll be celibate," I shrug, "you are on" We shake hands on it, "and if you do anything with him before April, you owe me that $100 back," she states.

"Trust me, Kelly and I are completely down, so whatever terms you set, I am still going to get my money" I don't falter.

"We'll see" Foster smirks, "plus you know you don't have to be celibate, you can get with anyone other than him" she mentions.

"Remember that Halloween party I told you about" I bring up, "Oh yeah, did you get lucky?" She ties her shoes. "Well I almost did but let's just say his name was George, and I called him a name that wasn't George" Foster gasps.

"You didn't?" She bursts out laughing.

"I did" I admit, "and I not only called him the wrong name but I also imagined him as someone else" I add.

"Oh, he's got you whipped" Foster laughs louder, "I am definitely getting my money" she comments as Kelly walks into the locker room. Foster walks out, winking at me on her way out while I playfully roll my eyes.

"So, how did it go?" I walk over to him.

"Alright, I guess," he opens his locker, "I donated the rest of Benny's things to Goodwill on Saturday, and then I just stayed at home on Sunday," he adds. 

"You know we had a games night on Sunday that I tried inviting you to, but you never answered my calls" I bring up, "I'm sorry, but I just needed some time by myself" he explains.

"Next time, then?" I offer, "Next time" he nods.

"Alright, I will leave you to get ready," I say, "You can stay if you want" he takes his shirt off, knowing exactly what he does to me.

"Uhm" I cough, "I'll see you out there" I look at the floor.

If Foster hadn't changed the terms, then I might have considered jumping on him there and then but now I have to control myself.

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