The Plunge

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"AHHHH!" My eyes snap open, already climbing out of my bed, tripping over my own feet because I can't see a thing in this darkness. 

Door flying open at the same time as Jess' door.

"It's alright, I got it" I let her go back to sleep while I go and check on Abigail, her nightmares still a nightly occurrence. Thrashing around in her bed, sweating profusely through her pyjamas as she mumbles incoherent words.

"Abby, I'm here" I gently wake her up, cradling her in my arms as I rock her back and forth to soothe her.

It takes a moment before she wakes up and realises she is safe.

"It's okay, honey" I coo, wiping away her tears and use the blanket to dry her forehead, she sniffles while she holds onto my arms tightly. Fear in her eyes, still not being able to forget that fateful day.

Making a note to tell her therapist that the nightmares are not going away.

"I am not going to let anyone hurt you" I reassure her, "you're safe with me" she nods, face still wet as she cuddles closer to me, starting to fall asleep again. I can tell that I am not going anywhere tonight so I lay down and try to get a few more hours sleep before I have to get up for work.


After a few hours, I wake up first, making sure to let Abigail sleep while I get ready for work.

Jumping into the shower, having a quick wash before I get changed and pack my bag. Once I am ready, I wake up Abigail and help give her a shower before she changes herself into her school uniform while I go downstairs to sort out her breakfast.

Already finding an awake Jess making breakfast.

"You beat me to it" I comment, "and I think everyone is thankful for that" she chuckles, "oh and by the way, I packed Abigail's bag already, her lunch is already inside" she passes the bag to me.

"Did I mention how much I love you?" I blow her kisses.

"Only every other day" she winks.

"You know the funniest thing happened at Abigail's school last week" she starts to plate the scrambled eggs, "what?" I start cutting up some fruit. "When I went to pick up Abigail, her teacher asked if we were a couple" she laughs, "and what did you say?" I laugh as well.

"I said we were a couple" she states, "a couple of besties" we laugh even harder.

Soon enough, Abigail comes downstairs, dressed in her school uniform and I help her comb her hair and tie it up so it's out of her way. She eats her breakfast as I put both of our bags in my car, eating my breakfast in a rush, knowing I can get some more food at the firehouse.

When she finishes eating, we say goodbye to Jess and get into my car.

These past two weeks have ran smoothly, all of us getting into our routine and the new year seems to have started off amazingly.

"Alright, be good and Jess will pick you up" I kiss her forehead as I park outside her school, "okay, I'll miss you" she kisses my forehead back, something she started doing because we all were kissing her forehead so she wanted to do the same.

Before I can say I'll miss you back, she jumps out of the car and runs into her school while I just watch her go, glad that things are starting to get into rhythm and she's going back to normal life.

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