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   "let's go ask her" said Ikakku with a determined expression.

Penguin's eyes widened.

"Hey! You aren't thinking what I think you're thinking?" He asked.

Ikkaku just nodded her head and turned to Shachi.

"It means going against the captain though..." she informed.

Shachi took a mintue to respond. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"I'm in" He threw his covers aside and slowly began to get out of the bed.

Penguin whipped his head at the red-head. "You're both crazy!" He yelled and went to stop Shachi.

"SHACHI! She took you hostage and stabbed you! There is nothing more to the story then she wanted to use us." He said.

He glares at Ikkaku. "And you! You heard what she said. She called you annoying and that she shouldn't have saved you! Stop giving Shachi false hope!" He said.

Ikkaku glared back then looked away.

  Penguin tried to push Shachi back but the Shachi kept pushing back.

"Lay back down! You heard the Captain, she doesn't care about us!"

"I want to hear it for myself!" Shachi screamed to Penguin. Penguin stopped his efforts.
His was suprised at Shachi's confession.

   "I want to look her in the eyes when she says she never cared for us! If it's true then I'll accept it but if not-"

"-Then someone forced her to say it" Ikkaku finished Shachi's thought.

Shachi nodded his head in agreement and Penguin stood there, frozen.

  Shachi slowly got to his feet and very stumbly walked to Ikkaku. When he got to her, she put her arm around his waist to help him. They exited the room.

"W-wait!" Called Penguin. He sprinted after them

"Let me help!" He said.


The three crewmates were in the rec room alone. Sitting on the couach.

"We don't even know where she would be" mumbled Penguin. They had a map out and were looking over it.

Ikkaku spoke up, "Ok Turtlefair didn't have any boats or ships on it, so she must still be there".

"Unless some other people came to save her" muttered Penguin. To which was met with death glares. He gulped and waved his hands.

"W-what? I'm just trying to be realistic" he crossed his arms and continued.

"Why THAT island if it wasn't a rendezvous spot?" The other two looked at each other. Penguin had a point, that neither of them could ignore.

Shachi sighed "so she must still be there, or an island close by" he said. Ikkaku hummed in agreement.

Penguin looked at the map.
"Shes proably on this one" he said pointing an island, not to far from Turtlefair. Shachi and Ikkaku looked at him with shock and he shrugged.

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