Ch.19: Just Like That...Really?

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(100 Bad Days by: AJR)


Once we got upstairs pinky punched me and I saw her hands were fine.

"What the-"

She pulled me into her room and closed her door.

"Do you know how bad it is if they find out you and Y/N did the dirty?!" She freaked," my hunches know and its no bueno!"
(Not good ⬆️)

"Why whats gonna happen?" I asked

"Ej we're fucking psychos?!" She said," what do you think will happen?!"

"Oh...right." I replied

"Yeah!" She replied," sorry Romeo, but you gotta get your head out of the clouds and keep that shit secret! Y/N has enough to deal with and I know her problems. She doesn't need this bullshit with her personal bullshit."

"Problems? What problems?" I asked concerned

"Slender man made me swear to secrecy about them but tomorrow he's gonna tell everyone cause the proxies found out about them. Her problems are serious and I need you to promise me that you won't freak the fuck out!" She said

"Okay, I promise." I replied

"Break that promise and all hell breaks loose tomorrow ej and we might not ever see Y/N ever again." She said seriously," don't mess this up."

Whatever's going on is really serious if pinky is like this.

'Babe what did you get yourself into?'

She then told me I can leave but made me promise one last time that I wouldn't freak about the news. I promised and left but wondered what it was. I went to Y/Ns room and looked inside.

She was in bed and looked like she already showered. She was asleep to so I left to my room and decided to go to bed too.

'Its not so bad right? I mean its Y/N, what is she in that is so bad and problematic?'

And with that I went to bed...

The next Day...


"Protect, masters orders! Must follow orders and protect child!" Rake hissed

"Shut up you weird little dog, your gonna wake her up!" Offender whispered

Rake hissed at offender and I groaned cause they woke me up.

"Mirror mirror on the wall, go ahead and shut them up." I said tiredly

"Oh what the fuck?!" Offender freaked

Rake hissed again and I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I then looked at my room and saw Glass Man had offender and rake in its hold.

"C'mon I tried helping!" Offender complained

"Fair." I shrugged

I nodded and glass man dropped offender.

"Damn, am I not the favorite anymore?" He complained

"Oh shit I forgot I have favorites?" I laughed

He smirked at me with a hint of pink on his cheeks. I think? Anyways ej then came into my room and saw us.

"Not even gonna ask." He chuckled

"Good cause it's complicated." Offender said

I chuckled and ej came to me. He took off his mask and kissed my cheek. I giggled a little and he intertwined our hands.

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