Ch.18: The Rake

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(Dangerous by: NEFFEX- the photo is also one of my drawings.)


'Wow being this guy's daughter is great.'


"Why didn't you tell us." Masky asked

"Cause you wouldn't trust her anymore." Slender said," she didn't even know herself, she barely found out."

"Y/N, look at me." Masky ordered

"Don't Y/N, masky you need to calm down. She wants no part of being his daughter and wants nothing to do with him-"

"Y/N. Look. At. Me." Masky ordered, more calm

I picked up my head and looked at him.

"What." I asked, trying to stay calm

"Remember the rules we didn't get to tell you about?" Masky asked

I nodded.

"Well one of them is we don't keep secrets from each other, especially ones like this." Masky said

I frowned even more and tightened my grip on my arms.

"I didn't have a choice, I had to keep it secret so he wouldn't find me. And I don't even know who this guy is but clearly he's a big fucking deal." I said as calmly as I could," but if you guys don't like that I didn't tell you then..."

I held out my arm and opened my hand.

"Then what." Masky asked

"Then I don't deserve to be a proxy." I said softly

My trident came just in time and made me sit on it. It crashed through the window as I held on till it was then stopped. It was now almost dark too. I looked back and saw slenders tendrils grabbed my trident.

"Child, I can sense what you are feeling and its okay. You aren't being betrayed or abandoned by anyone they are just upset." Slender said

I made my trident go back to him and just frowned.

"But they're right....they all should know..." I said

"Y/N I don't care, you are still apart of us and you do deserve to be one of us." Hoodie said," it just took us by surprise."

"Y-yeah, we still tr-trust yo-you and we're not ab-abandoning you." Toby said

I sighed and nodded.

"Lets get you a new mask, tomorrow we'll tell the others about this situation. But right now we need to get rake." Slender said

I nodded and went back in the window. I got off the trident and made it go back to my room. Slender teleported me to the basement and helped me make my mask again.

It was done and we left it there to dry up its paint.

"Go get some rest, tomorrow will be fine." Slender said

I nodded and left. Ej was in the living room and came to me as he noticed my upset mood.

"You alright?" Ej asked

"Yeah, I just wanna shower and go to sleep." I said

"Okay." He replied

He moved his mask and kissed my head. I smiled a little and then we left upstairs together.

"How was training?" He asked

"It was pretty good till rake attacked us." I replied," we're fine though! The boys got healed up and are okay."

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