Ch.2: A Few Surprises

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(ᗷᗩᑎG! ᗷY ᗩᒍᖇ)

-Present time being-

"Wait neon or azi has been with you since middle school? How long ago was that?" Sally asked

I thought about it and had to do math.

"Well I'm 23 years old right now and I found azi when I was in 7th grade so for about 11 or 10 years." I replied

"Didn't neon leave the mansion 11 years ago?" Sally asked smiles

He nodded and looked at me.

"There use to be another dog like me but he didn't want to live here so he left. We haven't seen him since and tried to look for him but it seems like he was in good hands." Smiles explained

I smiled a little at the last part but was surprised that azi might be neon and lived with me.

"How does azi look like?" Sally asked

"HES a german shepherd, the normal brown and black." I replied

"Neon was a german shepherd too but he had neon blue and black instead of brown." Sally said

"Dogs are color blind so I have no clue how he looked like." Smiles whimpered

"Oh right, sorry smiles." I said

"Its okay." He replied

"Well Anyways, you think azi is neon?" I asked

They nodded and I smiled.

"Even if azi is neon or a killer dog I still love him and he's stuck by my side for a long time so it doesn't matter than he is something else. He's still my best friend." I replied

"I wish jeff was like you." Smiles complained

"You son of a bitch! I can be like her!!" Jeff complained coming in

We jumped a little and smiles ran behind me. Ej was also at the door and came in with jeff.

"What the fuck smiles?!" Jeff complained

"She's nice and actually still wants neon even if she found out about a dark secret about them!!" Smiles complained

"Is this about the mira thing?" Jeff asked

"Maybe!" Smiles said

"Im a little afraid that I'm in the middle of this." I said

"You shut up-"

"Don't tell her to shut up!" Smiles complained

"She corrupted smile dog, holy shit!! She's mind controlling them!!" Jeff growled

"Wait what?" I asked

"Okay your obviously jealous and want an excuse to kill her. Stop it." Ej said and pulled jeff back.

Jeff growled and crossed his arms mumbling curses and childish phrases. Ej then turned to me and smiles got out from behind me and back in his spot next to sally.

"Okay now that thats done, continue the story!!" Sally said

"Wait they need to leave!" Smiles said

"We were eavesdropping so we heard the whole first part of the story and uh....sorry for stabbing you and attacking you when you only have three an a half months to live." Ej said

I smiled and crossed my legs.

"Its okay, your killers and...very scary so I can see why you did it." I replied," plus no one ever goes in the forest so really its my fault."

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