Chapter Forty Four

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💀Kody Vincent💀

"Leave the fucking gun, Kody" King said for what seemed like the hundredth time. "I'm not going in here with you if you have that thing with you. "

I groaned pressing my fingers to the corner of my eyes in frustration. "I need the fucking gun King. I can't just barge in there empty-handed and demand that he leave Ezra alone."

He shook his head. "No. That's just asking for trouble."

We were sitting in the parking lot of Lucky's. It was eleven at night and Ezra was working. She'd text me to let me know that Luca had walked in.

"Luca coming up to her job is asking for trouble. He brought a gun to her fucking house. You know that doesn't sit well with me."

King didn't budge. "You bringing a gun into a public restaurant is not the answer."

I ignored him grabbing the gun out of my glove compartment.

He groaned. "Look, I promise you we can end this shit right now, but bringing that gun is not the way to do it. "

Damn it I should have brought anyone other than King. He was too level headed when I wanted to act based on my temper. I slowly dropped the gun back into the glove compartment.

"Fine. But that just means there's going to be a fight."

King shrugged.

We exited the car, scanning the parking lot to see if I could spot anyone who looked like Luca's backup. Nobody gave off any signs.

When I walked into the restaurant, I noticed Ezra right away. She was serving some guy a drink, a nervous smile on her face as she listened to whatever the guy was saying.

I clenched my fist when I caught the way he was looking at her. I wasn't here to be a jealous boyfriend. I had bigger fish to fry.

Luca was sitting at the bar. He was sipping some pink girly drink and he looked relaxed. I headed towards him, King right behind me.

I took the seat next to him, casually and King sat on the other side.

"We got a problem, Luca." I said using all my strength to remain calm when what I really wanted to do was snap his neck.

He chuckled, loudly finishing his drink. "Do we?"

That was enough of an opening for a fight for me but I caught the look King sent me and I pushed the anger back.

"We do." I said confidently. "We're going to have a bigger one if you keep coming around her."

He pushed his drink aside, turning towards me. "I asked you for something." he said it like I was his child and that really ticked me off.

"Fuck you." I replied back before I could think.

He chuckled again. "You small town folks always get way in over your heads."

This guy was seriously deranged. "I don't give a fuck what you're talking about." I said under my breath as Ezra cautiously made her way towards us before getting stopped by a table. "If you come near her again, I'm going to kill you. That's a promise."

He full out laughed now. "Is that right?"

King spoke now. "That's right. Cut your losses and leave our town."

Luca placed his finger on his chin as if he was thinking about it. As if this was all some big game. "You should be grateful, I could have done a lot worse to your little girlfriend."

I narrowed my eyes, already knowing where this was about to go.

Luca kept talking. "If you don't give me what I want I'll have to more go to extreme measures." He turned his head to look at her. Ezra froze in her actions, looking at me. "She does fill out a skirt-"

I snapped. It was never a good idea to have this conversation when Ezra was present. I should have tried to get him to meet me in the parking lot because knowing he was looking at her was too much for me.

I grabbed him by the collar, snatching him out of his chair and tackling him to the floor. We both hit the ground with a hard thud. He must have been surprised because he didn't move for a couple seconds. I used that to my advantage plowing my fist into his face twice before he realized what was happening.

By the time that happened the whole restaurant had noticed. I heard screames and shouts and I was stupid enough to search the room for Ezra. Luca used my distraction, catching me in the ribs with his elbow. Pain shot through me and I turned my attention back to Luca placing my forearm on his neck. His nose was bleeding and his lip was split but I wanted to kill him.

Before I could even ball my fist up to hit him again I was tackled, my face hitting hard into one of the barstools.

My vision wavered as I turned to see who had attacked me and I groaned when I noticed the security guard of the restaurant.

"Police are on their way." He said as he hauled me to my feet. I looked around him to where Luca was still sat on the ground, a sick smirk on his face.

My anger boiled. This fight hadn't solved anything. Most likely I was going to be in a holding cell while Luca was looking to get revenge on me.

I scanned the crowd of onlookers looking for King, I found him standing inbetweed Ezra and Luca, a frown on his face.

"Stay with her. " I said as I watched the red and blue lights flashing outside.

King nodded.

When two officers walked in-one of them Sin- I groaned. This was not how I wanted my night to go.


Two hours later I was sat in my car, driving to my apartment. I was pissed. I was dirty and my face was bleeding. My ribs were sore and I just wanted to see Ezra.

I had a simple plan. I was going to go home, take a shower, and then pick Ezra up from work.

That plan was scrapped when I walked down my hallway and saw Beast leaning against my door.

"You chose the wrong night for this shit." I mumbled reaching in my back pocket for my keys. I was fucking irritated

"I heard about what happened at Lucky's. I wanted to talk to you."

I didn't answer him, instead I glared at him until he moved away from my door. "Go the fuck home, Beast. If I was in a better mood I would kill you. Consider this your lucky day."

I was too annoyed for the anger I had towards Beast to rise to the surface, but it was there and if he didn't get the fuck out of my face in the next sixty seconds I was just going to kick his ass.

"I wanna come back to the group" he said placing his foot in the doorway when I tried to slam my door.

That pissed me off. "Beast, you're a fucking pussy. You watched some guy attack Ezra and you weren't going to do shit about it." Thinking about what happened made the anger rise. "You're fucking pathetic."

He was. I didn't even need to waste my energy fighting him because honestly he was just sad. A sad fucking excuse for a man.

Beast's expression darkened. "You're the pathtic one Kody. you're pussy whipped over some girl just because she claims to be carrying your seed."

I pushed him back, out of my doorway. "I don't give a fuck what you have to say, Beast. You're literally less than nothing to me. Move on with your fucking life before I do something I'm probably not going to regret."

He clenched his fist, seeming like he was going to swing at me before turning on his heels and stomping down the hallway.

This was not the way I imagined my night going.

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