Chapter Thirty One

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Short chapter. Another one is otw. ❤️

I sat cross-legged, tacos in hand, on Kody's couch while he argued with King and Sin.

Ghost was also present, taco in hand as well, as he spoke to somebody on the phone. Ghost was a calm sort of guy who spoke like he was permanently high.

Kody was not calm.

"I don't give a fuck! This shit is unacceptable." He shouted as King attempted to be rational about the whole situation.

Sin simply listened, his expression relaxed as if he heard this all the time.

King looked nervous. "I get what you're saying Cap, but we can't just pull up and-"

Kody interrupted him. "I'm going to pull up. I know exactly who did this shit."

His apartment was a mess. The cabinets had been emptied, the couch flipped and the dishes broken. I didn't enter his room but I knew things were just as bad there.

King scratched his head, "This is exactly the type of shit we said we weren't going to do."

Kody shrugged, sending me a quick heated look before turning back to King. "Shit changes. This was too far."

Accepting the answer, King simply groaned. "Fine. But this is my last job."

Everybody ignored him.

After planning to meet in the morning, (though it was now almost three) Kody's gang left the apartment, leaving us alone.

I had a million questions.

Kody must have been expecting me to question him because once he closed the door (shoving a barstool under the doorknob) he came and sat across from me.

"Let me explain some things to you Ezra." He started before I could start yelling.

I didn't meet his eyes, instead I sighed. "You said it wasn't a gang Kody. You lied?" It was a question, because I didn't have the energy to argue.

He ran a frustrated hand through his already messy hair. "It's not a gang. Not exactly. We don't normally have shit like this happening."

I tilted my head, signaling for him to go on and he groaned realizing I was gonna need more information.

"Okay, In not so many words, my... group of friends- supply resources to the students here."

"You're a drug dealer." I deadpanned. Because that was bad.

Our eyes met now. "You could say that. I guess occasionally I am. But I only sell weed and it's not like weed isn't halfway legal here already."

I lifted a hand. "Spare me the defense trial, Kody. That shit is dangerous."

My hands automatically went to my small baby bump.

"Normally it's not. It's not supposed to be." He ran his tongue along his bottom lip seeming deep in thought before continuing. "I mean sure there's the occasional fights or arguments but this is fucking Winterbrook. There's not that much adventure anyway."

I decided to scold him later and get down to the root of the problem. "So what happened. Some happy, Winterbrook college kid broke into your apartment at two in the morning looking for weed brownies?"

He didn't find my sarcasm amusing.

"There's a problem with this new supplier. He wants me to sell shit I don't fuck with and he can't take no for an answer."

My heart began pounding at the expression on Kody's face. Because that was his don't fuck with me face and it meant he was going to do some reckless stuff.

"Kody, don't do whatever it is you're thinking. Let's just clean the house and figure out a sensible way to deal with this."

By that I meant go to sleep right now, skip school, and clean the house in the morning.

He wasn't even listening. I could see plans circulating in his mind.

"I told you all of this for a reason, Ezra." He said rising from the couch and heading to the kitchen. "If he knows where I live it means he's been watching me. Most likely he's been watching you."

A chill ran through me before anger replaced fear. "Well fuck him. He sounds like a pussy to me, watching from the shadows."

A ghost of a smirk appeared on his face before he went back to frowning. "It doesn't matter. He did this-" he gestured around the room- "so that I would know that if he wanted he could come in here. He could get into your house too."

That news scared me to the bone.

"So what? Your going to fight him? That's dumb Kody."

I finally dropped the taco bag raising from the couch and meeting him in the kitchen. "Why are you always so violent?"

He shrugged as if it was a normal question. As if I'd asked him 'why do you dip your wings in blue cheese?'

"I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Just know I'm going to drop you off at class in a couple of hours and by the time I pick you up everything will be settled."

It didn't sound promising but at that moment a strong wave a tiredness swept through me.

"First promise me something." I said stifling a yawn.

Kody stared at me, his eyes burning into mine because he knew what I was going to ask.

"Don't do anything stupid, Kody. Don't let your temper put you in danger."

I didn't like the way my heart ached when I pictured Kody getting hurt. This was exactly why I didn't do this whole "feelings" thing anymore.

He tilted his head to the side, an emotion I couldn't put my finger on crossing his features before he reached out, grabbing the back of my neck and pulling me against him to meet his lips.

I didn't resist because what was even the point anymore. If I was going to make mistakes at least I could enjoy myself while doing so.

He kept the kiss brief and full of emotion. When he pulled away his expression had changed and he was now studying me.

"Go to sleep Ezra." He mumbled, his fingers gripping my chin. "Everything's going to be fine."

I nodded. My brain was almost numb so I simply stumbled to his room (which was destroyed but the bed was still intact) and shut my eyes.

I didn't even realize that he hadn't promised me.

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