Chapter Thirty

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The next week was pretty hectic. I got fired from the diner, which was expected since I had been late for my past two scheduled shifts.

It was actually a blessing in disguise because it allowed me to work later at Lucky's.

Instead of leaving at three in the morning I was now clocking out at seven. This meant that it was light outside and I was able to walk home alone.

It didn't stop Kody from driving me anyway.

Surprisingly having sex with Kody didn't ruin our confusing relationship. When I explained this to Macy she informed me that it was only because he already treated me like his girlfriend.

Since she had multiple receipts I was forced to agree with her.

Still, I grew comfortable in our weird relationship.

We weren't all lovey dovey like Jamie and Macy but I knew Kody had my back and he knew I had his.

We hadn't talked about being exclusive but I didn't think we needed to. We knew how we felt.

We spent the nights with each other. Most of the time, Kody would sleep at the studio but occasionally I would stay at his apartment.

It was on one of those visits that Kody dropped the bomb.

"My dad's really looking forward to meeting you." Kody said, tossing me a T-shirt from his closet. It was one in the morning and we were both starving. By 'both' I meant me and the rapidly growing fetus I was carrying.

I caught the shirt, examining it before throwing it on. "I really have to prepare myself for that." I said carelessly pulling on a pair of his sweats. I had brought my own clothes but those were for school in the morning.

He laughed snatching his car keys off of the dresser. "Well, you have two days. Better start cramming."

I narrowed my eyes. "What are you talking about?"

He stared at me like I was missing some obvious clue. "Really, Ezra? Thanksgiving."

My heart dropped. Was it already going to be Thanksgiving? Had time really went that quick?

"That's this week?" I asked lamely as I internally panicked.

Of course Kody saw straight through my poker face. "What, you forgot?"

I pulled my jacket on, "I didn't forget it's just..."

Truth was I had forgotten all about it. And Kody hadn't mentioned it at all.

"What? You don't want to go?" He said it casually but I knew this was a big deal for him. There was no way I was going to ruin it.

I sent him a smile he could probably see through immediately. "Of course I want to go, I'm just not prepared."

He studied me, trying to find out if I was lying. "What do you need to prepare for? It's just a family. Rory and Sin will be there so you'll know most of the people."

Since we were having the conversation, I decided to give him honesty. "I'm nervous about what your dad will think about me."

He chuckled throwing an arm around me and leading me out the door. "He already likes you, Lewis. I told him all about you."

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