Chapter Forty One

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💀Kody Vincent💀

I was losing the battle of giving Ezra some space.

I wanted to, I really did, but the whole Luca situation wasn't sitting right with me. My mind came up with scenarios every ten minutes and the fact that she was more than thirty minutes away left me feeling exposed.

Thanksgiving dinner had been awkward, I was annoyed and my family was annoying. I must have been making a scene because my dad took me to the side and asked me about the situation.

When I explained what had happened, he advised me to give her some space, which is what I was trying to do.

Now it was Friday and I was debating whether or not I should just drive to the studio and check up on her.

When my phone rang, I was happy for the distraction, thinking that maybe it would be Ghost. I was having him find out where Luca was staying.

When I saw Ezra's contact information pop up, I arched a brow. Why was she calling me in the middle of the night.

I answered, curious to know what she wanted to speak to me about.

"Kody-" Her tone of voice caused my heart to drop. She was scared.

I clenched my fist. "What's wrong?" I asked before she could finish. I was already out of my bed and reaching for my car keys.

"There was a man here." She said, her voice shaky. I froze, my vision going red.

A dead man...

Because she didn't say anything else, I spoke. "Are you hurt Ezra? The truth."  She had a habit of downplaying shit.

"I'm fine, but..." her tone lowered. "He had a gun, Kody. He threatened Macy."

Her tone was angry now.

"He practically forced his way into my apartment, he wanted me to give you a message."

Trying to process all of this was driving me so crazy that I almost didn't catch that last part. It was hard enough that some guy was in her apartment threatening her while I was sleeping peacefully. But the fact that he gave her a message for me meant it had something to do with Luca.

That sent chills down my spine because Luca was dangerous. I didn't want him anywhere near Ezra. I didn't want him to know Ezra existed.

"What did he say?" I asked feigning calmness as I slid behind the wheel of my car.

There was a pause. "He didn't say anything. He just wanted to make sure you knew he was here. What the hell is going on, Kody?"

My emotions were making my vision blurry so I shook my head to focus on the road. "I'll explain everything to you, I promise. I'm going to send Ghost to your place. I'm on my way."

She sighed. "Jamie's here. Macy called him. He took her phone, Kody."

I wanted to keep her on the phone.

"Who? Jamie?" I asked just to make conversation.

"No. Luca." She said, her voice low again. "Luca Romano, that was his name."

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