Chapter Thirty Two

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💀Kody Vincent💀

Ezra didn't want to let me out of her sight. When I dropped her off at class the next day she practically begged me to go with her. It was like she knew I was going to be up to no good.

I almost let her talk me into following her around all day, making sure she was safe. But I had shit to do, and it couldn't be avoided.

Since Sin was working, I rode with King and Ghost which was a problem in itself.

They were both fully capable of backing me up but mentally they were seven year olds. It got aggravating at times.

Ghost was childish and King whined a lot. Plus he and Ezra were a little too close for my liking so I was annoyed with him at the moment.

The suppliers name was Luca Romano. He was some new guy who had plans on taking over the Winterbrook drug scene. It wasn't such a hard thing to do since there was virtually no drug scene in Winterbrook, but he wasn't going to use my guys to do it.

I didn't know where he lived but he worked out of an apartment that sat on top of a pawn shop in the outskirts of town.

I drove there to find him. If he wasn't available, I would leave a message.

The cold steel of the pistol in my waistband reminded me exactly what message I was trying to convey.

I knew if Ezra knew about the gun she would have flipped out.Normally I kept it hidden and didn't have it on my person. This was a different situation.

I knew how to handle a gun. I was an excellent shot. I had always been interested in guns, driving and fighting since I saw The Transporter when I was six and I made it a point to learn how to do all three.

I knew that as the oldest sibling, I was responsible for protecting my family and I wanted to make sure I was prepared.

It occasionally came in handy.

When I hit the breaks outside of the pawn shop, King rolled his eyes.

Gravel spit under my tires as the car came to a sudden stop, my seatbelt holding me back against my seat.

"This is exactly why I don't like driving with you." King complained while Ghost simply laughed.

I shrugged pulling my door open. "Better than your slow ass old lady driving."

I pulled open the door to the building, dropping any sign of humor from my face. This was a business meeting.

We walked up to the cashier, King and Ghost flanking me on both sides and I rang the service bell twice.

An elderly woman exited the back room with a welcoming smile on her face, she scanned us quickly before the smile dropped as she correctly assumed we weren't paying customers.

"How can I help you?" She asked in a monotone voice.

I leaned against the counter, subtly scanning the building. "Romano." I said simply.

Her expression didn't falter. "Do you have an appointment."

I frowned. Ghost disguised a laugh as a cough.

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