Chapter Eleven

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Nelly was good, I'd give him that.

The papers seemed legit and I didn't have any problem pushing them into Stella's face the minute I got to the house.

"Macy's got a visitor." She said smugly as I headed up the stairs.

I spun on my heels. "Okay. I'll be back."

I went to the kitchen first, making sure I gave Kody enough time to leave before I headed to the bus station.

I decided to speak to my counselor. I needed a new job and he could help me get one.

I searched for apartments as I rode the shuttle. Everything near the college was crazy expensive. I could get something farther away and take the bus, but I didn't think that would be smart.

How could I get my child to daycare, me to school, me to work, and then the both of us back home if I was on the bus schedule?

So I stuck close to the university.

There were people looking for roommates but I figured they didn't want to hear a baby crying in the middle of the night. That left studios.

When I stumbled across the listing, I raised a brow.

It was a nice studio. Very close to campus. The rent was almost suspiciously cheap.

Well not almost considering I was suspicious.

I decided to call the landlord.

He answered on the third ring, his voice low and rough. "Anthony Torres, What can I do for you?" He sounded professional.

"Hi." I said using my most cheerful voice. "I'm calling about your studio apartment. The one on main."

He made a humming sound. "Yes. Yes. I know the one. Were you interested in applying for it?"

I was interested in knowing why it was so cheap but I couldn't ask him that.

"I just wanted more information about it." I said silently walking off of the bus when I reached my stop.

"Oh, of course. It's a one bath studio with washer and dryer and utilities included. It's very close to the university if you're a student and close to shopping if that's what you like. It's a great deal. I just had it refurbished."

I nodded. What was that old saying? If something sounded too good too be true...well.

"How much would I need for the down payment?"

There was a pause. "We could talk about it after you apply. Can I send my office address to this number. We can schedule a tour and an application time."

I agreed rattling off my phone number just in case.

After hanging up the phone I knocked on Dr Remington's door.

Here's the thing: College was a creepy place. There was no getting around it.

It was full of grown men and women put in a place of power over young adults.

And these young adults went around flashing their youthful glows and tight bodies like they didn't have a care in the world.

So it was creepy. For everybody. You just got used to it.

When Dr. Remington swept over my tight shorts and knotted T-shirt his Adam's apple bobbed.

I pretended I didn't notice. "Hey Doc, I got a doozy for you." I said with a bright smile.

He returned my smile, gesturing for me to sit down. "You always do, Ezra. What can I help you with today?"

At the end of the day, a counselor was a counselor no matter how pervy he was. I knew he wouldn't divulge any of my secrets. "I'm pregnant."

He didn't give me any reaction, he just nodded humming under his breath.

I fidgeted with my hands as I continued on my rant. "I'm going to get kicked out of my room so I need a better job to afford an apartment."

He looked me over one more time before swiveling in his chair to his computer.

"There's a restaurant not to far from here. It's not a part of the work program but the tips are really good. If you can hack it, the manager is doing interviews tomorrow ."

I raised a brow. "What is the restaurant called?" I ask because it seems like he is holding information back.

"Lucky's." He says with a grimace. "Kind of seedy, but it pays well. That's all I have on such short notice."

It probably was all he had. Dr. Remington wasn't that much of a perv. He was just a normal middle aged guy who couldn't ignore a set of perky tits sitting in front of him. It was kind of hard to blame him.

"Alright, I'll show up tomorrow thanks."

After leaving his office I texted Anthony Torres and scheduled a meeting for Friday.

I made it home and did my homework before taking a shower and falling into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning I dressed to impress. I was meeting the manager for Lucky's right after my last class and I wanted to get the job. I wore a pair of high waisted black jeans with a nice cream blouse that made my neck look long and slender. I did my makeup lightly.

I put my thick straight hair in a braid falling down my back.

I looked really pretty.

After class I hustled to the bus stop, pausing when I laid eyes on King, talking sweetly to a girl in my physics class.

I batted my eyelashes not being able to stop the giggle in my throat.

Payback for King being annoying.

"Matty, babe." I said in an overly girly tone, walking up to him.

He stared at me for a while like he didn't recognize me.

"Matty babe, we talked about this. You promised to be loyal this time. This is the seventh girl this month." I complained looking the girl up and down when I finally reached them.

King smirked down at me. "Babe." He said with obvious humor in his voice. "Your not supposed to be out of class yet.

The girl recognized me, obviously seeing what we were doing. She smirked. "Okay, King. You seem busy."

I laughed. "Sorry Sasha." I said finally putting a name to a face.

She shook her head, walking away from us.

"Okay, Midget. You're messing with my personal life now." King said with a laugh.

I shrugged. "You messed with mine first, with your ultimatums."

He rolled his eyes, walking towards his car. I walked with him. Maybe I could snag a ride from him.

"About that." King continued casually. "Did you feel the need to tell Cap that I knew about your fetus. That was fucking awkward."

I shrugged. I hadn't meant to tell Kody but King didn't need to know that.

When we got to his car, he opened the passengers door, looking at me expectantly.

"Where ya going?" He asked.

I blushed, feeling my cheeks heat up, King raised a brow.

"Lucky's." I mumbled, feeling embarrassed.

His expression didn't falter. "Didn't know that was your scene."

I shrugged, sliding into the car. "I have an interview."

His hand froze as he started to slam the door. "What?"

I didn't think anything of it. "Like for employment." I joked smirking up at him.

He shook his head, slamming my door before sliding into the drivers seat.

"Do not tell Cap I drove you. He's not going to be happy about this."

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