💖 Chapter 2💖

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Chapter 2

Kike and Bisola tried their very best to console Fortunate but she was disconsolated. "Babe I'm not telling you to cheer up, I'm telling you to be strong" Bisola, being a more mature than her advised.
"Strong how? How will I tell his mother about this"

"The doctor said he had an heart attack. That's what you'll say"

"Heart attack" Fortunate scoffed.

"Am I lying? Shea I heard when the doctor said it with his mouth?" She asked and Fortunate shook her head.

"I'll turn myself In"

"What's this one saying?" Bisola hissed alongside Kike.

"Instead of us putting our heads together to find a way out of this, this one is saying she'll turn herself in"

"Girls what am I supposed to do? I just killed a man I was supposed to get married to"
"Babe," Kike glanced at Bisola, "Is is that Miracle is deaf or she didn't hear when the doctor said, it was an heart attack"
"He was just thirty years old"

"And so? Ehn, may you not be unfortunate in life." she added, "I'm already unfortunate! This is the fifth man this is happening to, it's like I'm cursed! I can't do this any longer"

"You're not even happy the doctor ruled it out to be a heart attack. What if it was something else. People would have said you killed him"

"I killed him!"

"Shut up!" Bisola snapped looking around to see if anyone heard them.

"Why are you speaking without caution?"

"I don't care about anything any longer"

"Kike has a point, you're supposed to be grateful. This shit you're saying about turning yourself in, It's not necessary. I was talking to my friend about you. I didn't make it so obvious that you were the one I was talking about oh. She said she knows this place we could go to. It's a place where we can find out what's going on with you"
"We've been going to different places Bisola! It's not working"
"Maybe it's Magun" Bisola suggested, "I'm out of ideas, but I'm suspecting Magun oh, maybe your first boyfriend has done some strong charm on you"
"If it's Magun, wouldn't those prophet and herbalist have informed her?" kike asked turning towards Fortunate who was giving Bisola's opinion a thought.

She couldn't wrap her head round why her first boyfriend, Felix would have her charmed with Magun. He clearly broke up with her for reasons only known to himself.

"He was the one who broke up with me, it doesn't make sense for him to...."  she sniffled.

"You don't know men! Don't let them deceive you oh. Maybe you should speak to him"
"Maybe I should" Fortunate agreed and Kike kicked against the idea.

"Why would you want to speak to the idiot?"

"Do you have any reason why I shouldn't?" Fortunate retorted and Kike scoffed.

"That guy was a fool, still is a fool. He broke up with you for no reason. You can't possibly go and meet him, what if he thinks you're coming to beg him or something" she answered and Fortunate rolled her eyes.

"Are you listening to yourself? You sound stupid"

"Bisola, tell her I'm right"

"Mimi is right, you sound stupid"
Bisola preferred calling her Mimi, a nickname from 'Miracle' and Fortunate preferred being called Miracle or 'Mimi'.

The only people who ever call her 'Fortunate' were her parents. As each day passes, she despises the name the more.

"Well if only you guys are seeing it from my perspective, you'll know how wrong it is" Kike flipped her hair then she hissed.

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