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A/N: I knew this day would come. It is time.

I've had this sitting in my drafts for a while but since I finally got Raymond onto my island I figured I'd get to it.


*Early to mid 20s, probably about 23 if I had to guess.

*He comes from that "Japanese office culture" type beat. He used to work a very taxing and demanding job with little to no time off, etc, so he has good reason to want to get away to a nice island.

*Odd one out as a child. Maybe it's the heterochromic eyes but I feel like he sticks out like a sore thumb no matter where he goes. You don't have to search for him in photos, he's just where your eyes go to.

*I feel like he was definitely a quiet kid as a child, but very smart and good in school. He was also a natural charmer, despite the fact that he didn't care for social activity that much. This resulted in him getting picked on by other kids--boys in particular.

*He wanted to be normal, his parents were such livewires, they tried to get him out in the world but he wanted to stay and work a boring job because he felt it fit him better. He was never quite happy with it, but he just felt like he had to. He was essentially a main character trying to assume the role of a background character.

*But there came a point in his life that he realized he wasn't content. He never was, but one day he just... Really wasn't happy. He had just quit his job, looking for something to do with himself. After bumming around for a few weeks he found himself watching TV at the wee hours of the night, and when he saw the advertisement for Nook's Getaway Package(tm) he knew what he wanted.

*He wasn't always smug, but when he finally settled down on an island he decided to be more out there. Now was the time for change, and no one here knew him before this point so it wouldn't hurt to be someone else, right?

*He's pretty dense when it comes to pop culture and stuff that everybody knows, but he likes to act like he's all about "celebrity stuff." He's a dork.

*He's an utter drama queen when he gets sick, he makes a whole show of shivering and nose-blowing when you walk into his house.

*Go ahead. Scratch under his chin. Watch that Adam's apple roll up and down while he purrs.

*He didn't really have many hobbies before, but he's taken a liking to the island flowers. You'll often catch him watering them or reading while he's near them.

*Yet another romantic dolt. He tries his best to be slick and flirty but he really doesn't know shit about anything romantic. He'll talk all flowery but still end up panicking before a small coffee date.

*He feels so weird without a suit on, but so liberated at the same time.

*He has a habit of buying fish off of you. He's a cat, need I say more?

*He gets up at around 9am, but there are nights he just wakes up abruptly and has a hard time going back to sleep. Sometimes he'll meander around the island for a little while as he listens to the depressing 4am music before going back inside and falling asleep again.

*He gets so confused as to why all the visitors on the island want to talk to him so much. It's like they want something...

*He hisses at scorpions and tarantulas out of gut instinct, even if he's a human. If they chase after him he'll do that weird little sideways walk that cats do when they're running away from things.

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