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*Mid 30s. Possibly early 40s, youngest I see him is late 20s.

*He's an ex-pilot technically, but no one needs to know that. What matters is that he can fly a plane.

*He's a crackhead. This isn't even up for debate this is canon.

*I feel like he worked in the military at some point in his life, he just gives me that energy.

*He's clearly the older of the two brothers, I like to think that there's a sizeable gap in between their ages, like 5-10 years maybe? Both are reasonable.

*He's definitely done/seen some shit in his time, one shudders to imagine what those aviators have reflected.

*He still does his best to be happy and dependable, for the sake of his brother mostly. He sees how hard he works and it motivates him to do the same.

*God save anyone who lay a finger on Orville, no one knows what will happen if anyone does but it's best not to find out.

*Do not challenge him to any sort of competition that involves physical strength because you will lose. Especially if it's dodgeball, he will fuck your shit up.

*He collects seashells from every island he visits when you aren't looking. Sometimes him and Orv will paint over them. They're kept on a shelf somewhere in the airport (most likely wherever they sleep).

*If he ever gives you one of those shells without being asked or prompted to that means he wants to marry the fuck out of you.

*He eats food completely incorrectly. He eats pizza crust first, munches the skin off of oranges, eats the apple AND the core. He gives no fucks.

*Hairy... He's hairy. Mostly on the face.

*If you're a terrible cook that's okay, he has no taste in food and will probably love whatever you make solely because you made it. He will wolf that shit down like a monster.

*He's big on nuzzling, he likes making you smell like him.

*He isn't really good at articulating his feelings, he just... Feels. He does a lot of little things to get the point across.

*Large bugs do not bode well with him. He isn't scared of them, but he hopes they're scared of him.

Animal Crossing Headcanons!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt