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*5-10 years younger than his brother, so his age is based off of what Wilbur's is which is usually mid to early 20s.

*He loves. Boats. His brother is the planes guy, Orville is the boats guy. He kinda works and lives in one, if you think about it.

*He has a lil toy boat collection that makes him immensely happy, give him one of those ship in a bottle thingies and he'll smile and gush n giggle over it for hours.

*He cries at literally any sad movie ever, and if it's a kids movie he'll cry even harder.

*He daydreams a lot on slow days for the airport, he taps his pen on his desk and makes origami boats and paper planes to try and throw at Wilbur.

*He beats himself up over little stuff and will apologize to you for any minuscule mistake he's ever made in front of you. He overthinks. A lot.

*He isn't very hard to comfort though, and even if he doesn't entirely believe what you tell him he is still happy to have someone be there for him outside of Wilbur.

*He legitimately doesn't know what to do on his off days. He thinks about a bunch of stuff while he's working but when he's off he just kinda sits there, feeling unproductive. Someone please take this man out to brunch or something jfc--

*He's unironically the airheaded harem protagonist that always has shit flying right over their heads. He isn't the best with social cues that are directed at him, he can't tell for the life of him if someone likes him, is being mean to him, etc. Wilbur usually helps him with these things by handling matters himself.

*He's an utter dork and if he somehow winds up in a romantic relationship by some miracle he's extremely smitten and shy, but he tries his best. He's a stereotypical "bring you flowers and call you pretty" kind of guy, but in the most genuine way.

*He hasn't been in the military, and he hopes he never has to be in it. He's scared of it because of how worried he was about Wilbur back when he was part of it.

*He still sleeps with a stuffed animal that Wilbur gave him when he was younger, it was right before he set off for service, and it was promised that the bear would protect him no matter what. He can't sleep without it.

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