Chapter Eight- Suspects and Grocery Store [EDITED]

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Scarlett's POV

After Ryan leaves, I start cleaning my room before my parents get back. Ten minutes later, all the remaining popcorn and soda have been disposed, and the blankets put back in the closet. With nothing else to do, I sit in front of the mirror, trying to think of who has been sending all the letters and gifts.

It could not be Ryan. He looked just as surprised as I  was when he saw it. And it definitely couldn't be my parents cause, well cause they will not send me a gift like this, I don't even know the word to use to describe this. It could be Chad. He's capable of sending such a weird gift.

Last year, he sent me about ten lingries because, in his words, Your life is really fucking boring love. You need to spice up your life and show off that hot body of yours. Go to the club,  get drink and get some action from some sexy stranger. You can thank me later.

Its still buried deep within my closet, never to see the light of day again.

I shake my head and a smile appears on my face from just remembering Chad. I really miss him. Maybe I should call him.

Yes I'll call him. I pick up my phone and call him and he picks up on the second ring.

"Hey girlie" he greets.

"Hi Chad. How are you doing?" I ask.

"Good, good. What about you" he asks.

"Oh nothing much. Hey I wanted to ask, have you by any chance been sending me letters and gifts" I ask.

"Ugh no. None that I can remember. Why?" he asks.

Should I tell him. Oh fuck it. What could go wrong?

"Well, I've been receiving envelopes and gifts for the past two or three days, and I don't know who has been sending them" I tell him.

I don't know why I feel like I can trust Chad and not Ryan. I hear shuffling on the other side of the call and then silence.

"What colour are the envelopes" he asks.

"Red. And the words are written in red ink too" I say, and I hear him curse and throw some things around.

"Chad, what's going on. Do you know who has been sending them" I ask suddenly feeling scared.

Chad is a really cool and laid-back person, so to hear him so frustrated means something is definitely wrong. He ignores my question.

"What else have you received apart from the letters?" he asks in a more calm voice.

"Umm, a dog and a mirror" I say.

It's quiet on the other line for a while, then he suddenly speaks.

"Who else have you told about them" he asks.

"No one" I say.

"Good. Don't tell anyone about them. I'm on my way. I'll be on the next plane there. Goodbye Scar" he says and with that, he ends the call.

I stare at the phone for about a minute before I snap back to reality.

If I wasn't Ryan, and it definitely wasn't my parents, and it wasn't Chad, then who is sending all these things, and why are they being sent to me?

"Scarlett we're home."  my mom screams from downstairs.

"Coming mom" i say and run downstairs.

When I get there, I see my parents sitting in the living room looking more tired than usual.

"Mom? Dad? Are you guys OK?" I ask.

"Don't worry about us honey. We're just stressed from work" my dad says and gives me a tired smile.

"Why don't you guys go up and rest for a while" I say and they nod and groggily get up and head to their room.

My stomach suddenly starts making weird noises, letting me know that I skipped breakfast. I sigh and head to the kitchen to prepare something to eat. When I open the fridge, I almost have a heart attack.

Where did all my food go?!, I think to myself.


I really need to put a lock on my fridge, that boy eats too much of it. The food he ate in one night was worth at least a week.

After cursing Ryan some more in my head, I grab my purse and keys and head to the grocery store to buy some ingredients for dinner and cereals.

When I enter the grocery store, I head straight to the cereal section in search of chocolate Lucky Charms, cause you know, those things are amazing and I love them so much. I see them and pick five boxes and turn to go and buy some milk when I bump into someone and fall on the floor. My babies fall with me and a whimper leaves my lips.

Not my Lucky Charms.

Anger boils in me and I get ready to spew all the nasty shit in my head to the asshole who knocked me down.

"What the fuck? Watch where you're going_" I stop when I look up to see who I bumped into.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me" I say as I look into the eyes of none other than, yes, you guessed it, Mr Xavier.

"Why hello there darling." He says and smiles down at me and I just glare at him from the ground.

"Funny seeing you here love. i know I'm hot and all but I didn't expect you to fall for me" he says with a smirk.

I get up and dust off my pants and pick up my Lucky charms boxes which had fallen with me.

"Are you dumb or something?" I ask and his smile turns to a look of confusion.

"No? What kind of question is that?" He asks and I groan

"Well first this is the grocery store, a lot of people come here. And second I am not your honey or love. I don't even like you so move, I've got more important things to do than stand here and talk to you" I say and side step him.

"Like what, whore around in that club?" He says and I stop.

Oh hell nah.


Soooo, what do you guys think. Any idea on who's sending the letters and gifts? Lemme know. Oh and don't forget to vote and comment.



Demon Kingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें