Chapter Thirty - Regret [EDITED]

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Ryan's POV

Scarlett's dad was telling us what happened when all of a sudden I feel pain in my chest. A burning sensation all over my chest. My knees buckle and I fall to the ground clutching my chest. I hear Scarlett ask her dad what was wrong and he said it was my mate. He was in pain and I was feeling his pain because of the bond we share.

I was so stupid to reject him. I didn't mean to say all those awful things. It just took me by surprise. I've been straight all my life then all of a sudden I'm gay? It was a lot to take in. I needed some time to get my head straight.

I have realized my mistake and I'm willing to give us a try if he'll accept me.

I need to find him, make sure he's OK. I need to tell him how sorry I am.

With that thought in mind, I close my eyes and let my demon take control and lead us to our mate. He runs through the forest like a mad man, stopping only when we get to the edge of a cliff.

Oh no, Chad must've jumped off. The currents are too strong, he would've been washed away by now.

No, I kill that thought as soon as it comes. He's OK. He has to be. I will find him and make him apologize for giving me a heart attack.

I jump off and fall into the river with a splash. I look around and find him at the bottom. I swim towards him as fast as I can. When I get to him, I pull him into my arms and swim towards the surface. I pull him out of the water and onto the grass and begin CPR immediately.

"C'mon love, breathe. Don't die on me. Please Chad, wake up. You can't die. I refuse to let you die. I just got you and you're already trying to leave me. Please open your eyes. I'm sorry for being so stupid" I say with tears running down my face.

In a distance, I see Scarlett and her dad running towards us but I don't pay any attention to them. I push down on his chest again but he still isn't breathing.

He's gone.

I lost my mate. I lost my one chance at happiness. I lost him before I even got to know him.

"No no no. No! Wake up Chad. Wake up. This isn't fucking funny. Wake the fuck up. Please wake up. I promise I'll be good if you just open your eyes. Open your eyes for me love, show me those beautiful eyes, please. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I-I-I love you. I love you so much. Please come back" I cry into his chest but he still doesn't move.

Scarlett and get dad finally make it to us and I hear Scarlett gasp and start sobbing.

All of a sudden, Chad starts coughing up all the water he swallowed.

He's alive.

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