Chapter one-Red Envelopes and New Substitute [EDITED]

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Scarlett's POV

I wake up the next morning feeling very tired. I turn to my side and see the red envelope and letter by my bedside.

Well, guess it wasn't a dream after all. I was hoping it was. I'll have to look into it later, but for now, I'll brush it off and get ready for class. I grab my phone to check the time and my eyes widen.

Class started an hour ago. Oh shit I'm late!!!!!

How the hell did I sleep through my alarm clock? I look at my bedside, looking for my alarm block so I can smash that piece of shit for not waking me up.

oh wait, now I remember. I smashed it yesterday.

i face palm and get out of bed and get ready for school. in the span of about 20 minutes, which is a record if you ask me, I had taken my bath, brushed my teeth and dressed for school. I grab my car keys and head downstairs to see my parents in the kitchen.

Francis and Beatrice Anderson, my parents, are top notch lawyers and are rarely home. So seeing my mom in the kitchen cooking breakfast after like 6 months surprised me.

"Hi mom, hi dad" I say and kiss each of them on the cheek.

"Hi sweetheart. How are you doing? Haven't seen you in like what, two months?" my dad asks while sipping his coffee.

"Actually six months dad. I haven't seen you guys in 6 months" I say and he gives me a sad smile and nods.

"Sorry about that honey" he says.

"Oh don't worry about it. I understand, you're both the best there is so of course you'd be busy" I say.

"When did you get so matured" my dad says and ruffles my already tangled hair.

"Heyyy, i just tamed those curls" i say and move away from his hands. He chuckles and shakes his head at me.

"Come sit honey, breakfast's ready" my mom says, filling up the plates with egg and bacon.

"Actually mom, I'm already late so I'll skip breakfast" I say and grab some snickers from the drawer.

"Alright honey. But make sure you're back in time for dinner" mom says.

"Dinner? You guys are staying?" I ask her.

"Of course we are love. Your 18th birthday is in a week. We wouldn't miss it for the world" mom says, taking a seat next to dad.

"Really? That's awesome" I say and hug them both.

"I promise I'll be back in time for dinner" I say and leave out the front door.

I can't believe I get to have dinner with my parents after 6 months. I can't wait to tell Ryan when I get to school.

Oh my gosh, school!!

I totally forgot. I get in my car and speed to school. I park the the car in the school's parking lot and run to my second class. When I get there, I peek through the window and see that everyone is already seated. Even the people who skip class all the time.

Oh shit I'm in so much trouble. Mr Palmer is going to kill me. Last time someone was late to his class, he made the person run around our school field. Ten times. Whiles carrying a bag filled with books. He wasn't allowed to stop until he was done. Poor guy collapsed after his second lap.

Sigh, might as well go in and receive my sentence.

I open the door and all eyes turn in my direction, including that of Mr Palm_.

Wait a minute. That's not Mt Palmer.

Mr Palmer is a short man who for some reason, was always sweaty. The man in front of me was not short, or sweaty. He looked to be about 6 feet. He had black shoulder length hair. it looked so soft, I wanted to run my hands through it. He had pink full lips and a slightly crooked nose, but he still managed to make it look good for him. And don't get me started on those gorgeous grey eyes. They looked so beautiful yet so malicious, like a storm was brewing in them. I could look at them all day and not get tired.

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