Chapter Twenty-Four - New-found Plan [EDITED]

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Xavier's POV

I go in search of the doctor and beg him not to tell Scarlett about it. He looks hesitant at first but gradually gives in. I thank him and go to the room they put her in. She looks so peaceful like this. I wish she looks this peaceful when she wakes up.

I wonder how she'll take the news. I wonder if she'll ever forgive me. I wonder if she'll ever love me. My thoughts are stopped when I hear a groan from the bed.

Looks like its time to fine out.

Scarlett' POV

I slowly open my eyes and groan when the light hits my eyes. Someone rushes to turn the brightness down and I slowly open my eyes again and take in my surrounding. I was in the hospital, with a lot of things hooked to my body.I turned to the side of the bed and see Xavier sitting there.

"How are you feeling? Are you in any pain or discomfort? Do I need to call the doctor?" he says as he takes my hand in his.

I yank my hand away and say,
"I need you to shut the fuck up and go call the fucking doctor"

He looks taken aback by my harsh nature but says nothing about it and leaves to call the doctor. A few minutes later, he enters again with the doctor behind him.

"Hello Miss Anderson. I'm Doctor William and I'll be your doctor for the day. How are you feeling? Are you in any pain or discomfort?" he asks and a smile creeps up on my face when he asks the same questions Xavier asked me.

"I'm fine doctor. When can I leave?" I ask and he just nods.

"Well all your test came out fine. No broken bones or internal bleeding, so you should be good to go in an hour" he says and I nod.

He turns to leave but pauses at the door as if debating on telling me something. He looks at Xavier who sends him a glare, as if he was warning the doctor.

That's when I remember something

"Wait Doctor. How's my baby?" I ask and he freezes. He turns to Xavier who keeps glaring at him.

"I'm sorry my King but she has to know. I'm sorry your Highness, but we couldn't save the baby. We tried everything we could, but we lost him at the end. There was nothing we could do to help you. I'm so sorry." he says while looking at me and smiles sadly before leaving me alone with Xavier.

I lost my child. I lost my first child. I understand that the baby was just a week old but I loved him or her with all my heart. I'll never get to see my first child. I'll never get to hear their cries. I will never get to hold them. I will never get to show them the love I have for them. I blink and tears start flowing as realty dawns on me.

I lost my child.

The tears keep falling and very soon, I'm full-on sobbing my eyes out.

"Please don't cry Scar. If it means that much to you, we can always try for another one, but please don't cry" Xavier says letting me know that he's still here.

His words register in my mind and all my sadness turns to anger. He caused all of this. If I'd never met him I wouldn't be feeling this pain. If I'd never met him I would be happy with someone who actually cared about me. He comes to sit on the bed and gently takes my right hand and rubs circles on it. My left hand curls into a ball and I raise my hand and punch him square in the face, breaking his nose in the process.

I hear a crack from his nose and a sadistic smile creeps on my face and it feels like my body isn't mine anymore. I get up from the bed and walk to him with emotionless eyes.

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