Chapter Thirty-One - Attack [EDITED]

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Ryan's POV

He's alive

"Chad? Oh God Chad! You're alive!" I say and pull him into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry love. So so sorry. Please forgive me" I beg him.

"Umm R-Ryan, c-can't breathe" he says and that's when I realize I'm hugging the life out of him.

"Oh right, sorry. I'm just glad you're OK" I say and pull him into another hug.

He pulls away from the hug and turns to Scarlett.

"I'm sorry Scarlett. I know you're probably disappointed in me" he says with his head bowed.

Scarlett runs to him and pulls him into a hug and tells him its fine. And that he shouldn't ever do that again.

"I won't. I promise. Can you excuse us? I'd like to talk to Ryan alone" he says and my eyes widen.

"Of course love. Let me know if he hurts you and I'll kick his ass for you" she says and my eyes widen even more. Knowing her, she'll do it.

"Come on dad. Let's give these love birds some privacy." She says and stands to leave with her dad.

"You wanted to talk, let's talk"

Scarlett's POV

He's alive.

I'm so glad he's alright. I thought I had lost my best friend.

"I'm glad your friend is alright." My dad says on our way back to the night watcher's ground.

"Yeah me too. I can't believe he did that. I guess the rejection really got to him." I say.

"Maybe. But you should know this love. One doesn't just wake up and plan to end their lives. They think back to how their lives have been. Try to see if there's a reason to live on, even if its just a dog. Your friend must have suffered a lot on his own. He thought he had no one else because all his life he's been rejected by society. So being rejected by his own soulmate must have been the last straw for him" he says and I realise he has a point.

"But Chad never told me he was suffering. He always seemed so happy and positive about life." I say

"Not everyone shares their pain love. Sometimes the biggest smiles hide the most broken person" he says back.

"I for one know how it is to live without your mate and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone" he adds sadly.

"I miss mom" I say

"I miss her too. Every single day" he says and a single tear escapes his eye.

He wipes it away and puts on a smile and says,

"But she's in a better place. She wouldn't want us feeling sad all the time, so wipe that frown off your face sweetheart. Anyways, gather your army. Its time to attack" he says.

"I thought you said we weren't ready?" I ask him

"No, I said you needed me to cast a spell to make you faster and stronger" he says

"So what changed your mind?" I ask with a raised brow.

"I cast the spell when I was telling you what happened" he says with a sheepish look on his face and my mouth falls open.

He laughs when he sees my expression and I can't help but laugh too. When our laugh dies down, I close my eyes and summon Demetrius. When I open my eyes, he's standing in front of my dad and I in his beastly form which scares my dad.

"Jesus fuck dude. Please change back to your other form" my dad says to Demetrius who gives him a weird look but changes back.

"Aren't you supposed to be like, all great and powerful" I ask my dad.

He clears his throat and puffs out his chest and says in a deeper voice,

"Of course I am. I wasn't scared, just surprised."

"I never said you were scared" I say with a smirk.

I turn back to Demetrius who hasn't said a word since he got here.

"Alright Demetrius, gather the troops. We attack tonight"

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