Chapter 45

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The next four days passed slowly, Martinez and Lang were both on high alert for the next move by either Pearce or the blackmailer. Martinez had briefed Colonel Young, who agreed with their deductions and ordered the Qatar into orbit above Tian, ostensibly to act as an escort for Ser Becker's private space yacht. As Ser Becker was the civilian Manager of Capella Station, it was normal procedure for him to have a patrol escort when he was travelling. He was on a business trip, visiting both planets of Zhu, and was able to make Huan his first port of call without too much disruption to his schedule.

The personal tension between Lang and Martinez was also high. The night after he had sent his refusal to the blackmailer, Lang had come right out and asked if he could kiss him again. "Just a kiss, to see if you like it," he had murmured, standing right in front of him, a persuasive smile on his face.

Martinez put both hands up to fend him off. "No. I'm sorry but I just can't."

Lang had stepped back immediately, a shutter coming down over his face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

"I'm not offended, just really mixed up." Martinez stopped for a moment, then continued in a low voice, looking at a spot over Lang's shoulder. "At the moment I really need to concentrate on your safety." He cleared his throat. "Um, maybe you can, um, ask me again when this is over, if you want to, I mean."

Robin Lang licked his lips and tried to put the friendly smile back on his face, he had to draw on all his willpower to stop from jumping on Martinez where he stood. "Oh I'll want to, believe me," he tried to tone down the intensity to gentle teasing. He must have been only partially successful because Juan's eyes flew to his.

Juan had been telling the truth when he told Robin he was mixed up. Apart from the rather large obstacle that they were both men, Juan was used to being the alpha in a relationship. He was not used to being the pursued, he was certainly not used to feeling nervous at the mere thought of a kiss. It was all very unsettling.

Lang took another step back and turned away, "Can I get you a drink? I feel like a brandy right now."


Nothing continued to happen. Lang went to work as usual, and introduced Martinez as a colleague who was assisting him while he was recovering from his injury. His staff had been flatteringly glad to see him return to work, and quickly brought him up to date with what had occurred in his absence. He showed Martinez the tourist spots around the city and was careful to keep their personal relationship strictly platonic as the other man had asked, especially while they were in his house. He found he enjoyed Martinez' company, as well as the sexual tension simmering between them, but he was definitely looking forward to the pass he was going to make as soon as they had dealt with the court case.

Eventually, the morning of the trial arrived. Lang and Martinez rose early and dressed in their Captains' uniforms. Martinez had been twitchy all morning, he had a bad feeling about today. While they were waiting for the taxi Lang had ordered, Lang put his arm around the other man's shoulders. "How about a quick kiss for luck? You're not really going to make me wait until tonight are you?" he teased, trying to distract him.

Martinez turned in exasperation, a worried scowl on his face. His eyes dropped to Robin's mouth and his expression changed. He brought both hands up, one to each side of Robin's face and kissed him almost painfully hard, crushing his lips on his, then let go, pushing him away, all before Robin had even realised what he was intending. Robin grabbed hold of his arm before he could walk off and pulled him up against his chest. "Oh no, you don't! Our first real kiss is going to be much better than that," he announced, his eyes suddenly hot. "This is my first kiss too, you know, at least the first one I can remember!"

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