Chapter 16

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Alan Stewart knew something was wrong when Banner left the door wide open behind him.

He had asked if he could come and see him and Stewart had invited him up to his quarters, more than half hoping he would have a chance to carry on where he had left off on Capella. It had been so much fun teasing Banner, but he should have known it hadn't really resolved anything about their personal situation.

"What did Captain Almeida have to say?" He thought Banner looked depressed but not devastated. Surely he hadn't been dismissed already?

Banner looked straight at him. "Basically, I can keep my job on the Qatar as a medic as long as I stay away from you."

"Almeida said that?" Stewart asked in surprise. The Captain had never struck him as a prude.

"Not exactly, but that's what he meant. He said if he was presented with tangible evidence, he'd have no choice but to dismiss me."


"Probably not recommended under the circumstances," Banner attempted a joke.

Stewart tried to smile in return. He started pacing, unable to stand still. "What do you want to do about it? You're the one who'd pay the price if we took this relationship any further."

Banner sat down and watched Stewart pacing. What did he mean? Did he want them to try and have a secret affair? Or to stay away from each other?

He frowned. "I don't think there's anything we can do. I can't imagine it would be possible to keep a relationship secret for long on the Qatar."

Stewart ran a hand through his hair. "No, you're right, of course." He smiled unhappily at Banner and sat down opposite him. He leant forward, his arms on his knees until their faces were close. "The thing is, though, I don't think I could go back to just being friends, not when I want so much more." He leant even further forward.

Was Alan going to kiss him? Banner was motionless, holding his breath. He shut his eyes in anticipation. He felt Alan's warm breath on his face, but then he drew back without touching him. He heard Alan sigh and opened his eyes quickly, feeling embarrassed.

"It's all right, it's not your fault. I can apply for a transfer under Rule 158. I think Captain Almeida wouldn't take much persuasion to grant it under the circumstances," Stewart added wryly. It was the last thing he wanted to do, but it wasn't fair on either of them to be constantly battling temptation.

Banner stared at him, shocked. "No! You can't!" The words leapt from his mouth of their own accord.

Stewart stared back at him hopefully. "You don't want me to transfer out?"

"No." Grey eyes looked into brown. "Alan, shut the door."

Stewart swore his heart stopped for a second. "Are you sure?" His voice sounded husky, even to himself.

Oh my god, Alan thought he wanted to have sex with him. He did, of course he did, eventually, but not yet, not right now. They hadn't even kissed properly.

Banner's tongue licked nervously over his lips. "Sorry, Alan ... I didn't mean ... I don't want to ... I just wanted to say something to you, privately." Suddenly he felt mortified. He was twenty-four years old, for god's sake, and he was acting like a scared virgin. He stood up to leave. "I didn't mean to lead you on, but I don't think I'm ready for sex yet."

Stewart threw a mental bucket of cold water over his premature excitement. For a split second there, he had thought ... well, he hadn't actually thought! The blood had just dropped instantly from his head to his lap.

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