Prologue [EDITED]

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Scarlett's POV


The bell rings signalling the entry of another customer into the music shop. I look up and see a man in his early fifties approaching the counter with an uncertain look on his face.

I have to admit he looks good for an older guy. No scratch that, he was fucking sexy. With his high forehead, strong brows and chiselled jaw he could easily be mistaken for a model.

He looked to be around 6 feet tall ad damn did he have an amazing figure. His shoulder length silvery hair looked like he had run his hands through them a lot. As if his gray eyes weren't piercing enough, he smiles at me.

He fucking smiles at me revealing dimples on each side of his cheek.

He clears his throat and that's when I realize I had been staring at him without blinking. A blush covers my cheeks. I shake my head to rid myself of the thoughts of this gorgeous stranger.

"Hello and welcome to The Box. How may I help you today?" I say and smiles politely. He returns my smile with another breathtaking smile making my heart skip a beat.

Come on, Scarlett, get a hold of yourself. He's way older than you and probably not interested in girls half his age working in a music shop.

"I'd like to purchase a guitar for my daughter" he says and all stupid fantasies of him leave my mind, replacing them with fatherly thoughts.

"OK then, right this way Sir" I say and lead him into the guitar section of the store. He looks around for a while and finally decides on a pink and black guitar.

"I'll take this one" he says.

"Excellent choice Sir. Let me wrap that up for you and you can be on your way" I say with a smile on my face and take the guitar from him to start wrapping it.

I look up to find him staring at me with a sad smile on his face.

"Are you alright Sir?" I ask him.

"Yeah sorry, I'm fine. You just remind me so much of my daughter, Gabriella" he says.

"What happened to her?" I ask him.

"She was kidnapped seventeen years ago. She'll be around your age now. I've been looking everywhere for her. But I don't even know what she looks like so looking for her has been a bit difficult but I won't stop until I've found her" he says and my heart breaks for him.

I reach over the counter and touch his hand

"Everything will be alright. You'll find her soon" I say and he smiles at me. I remove my hand and take a step back.

"Thank you" he says.

"If I may ask Sir, why buy the guitar if you can't give it to her now?" I ask.

"You don't have to answer that if you don't want" I quickly add, not wanting to upset him.

"It's alright dear, I'll answer. I feel bad for not being in her life so every year on her birthday and holidays I buy gifts for her in hope that I can give them to her soon. This guitar is a birthday present. Her birthday is in a few weeks" he says and I nod taking all the information in.

He takes out five crisp hundred dollar notes and places it on the counter.

"Keep the change. It was nice talking to you but I have to leave" he says and turns to leave with his new guitar. I put the money in the register.

The back door opens and the manager, steps out.

"Scarlett? What are you still doing here? Your shift ended like an hour ago" he says and I grab my phone to check the time and my eyes widen.

Shit, I'm going to be late.

"Thank you Sir. I didn't notice. I'll take my leave now." I say and grab my stuff and run home. I get home in about ten minutes and jump straight in the shower to get ready for my next job.

After showering, I change into some black skinny jeans and a white crop top. I grab my black leather jacket and white converse and out them on. Next, trying to tame my hair. Keyword here being trying. My naturally curly hair refuses to be brushed so I leave it in its state and apply some mascara and lip gloss. I check myself in the mirror and I'm pleased with what i see. I grab the keys and leave for my nightly shift at Serpents. In case you're wondering, Serpents is a strip club and no I'm not a stripper. I'm actually the DJ.

Anyways yes, I get into my car and begin my journey to Serpents. Now you might be wondering why walk to the music shop when I could just drive. Well the music shop isn't really far from my home. And I like to walk, it helps me clear my head.

Anyways back to the story. I get to Serpents in twenty minutes. I enter and I'm immediately hit by the smell of alcohol, sex and sweat, which is a disgusting combination. I weave in between the crowd and make my way to the DJ's stand and see my co-worker, Daniel there.

"You're late" he says.

"Yeah sorry about that. I lost track of time. Thanks for standing in for me." I say

"No worries" he says and hands me the headset and moves aside for me to climb the platform.

"I'll see you later then" he says and leaves.

I put on my headsets and shout to the crowd

"Are you ready" to which they reply with screams of "hell yes" and "bring it on"

"Alright let's get this party started" I say and the place erupts with cheers. I start playing the songs and with that, the party begins. The party continues all the way to 12 am, which is when my shift ends. My other coworker, Samuel, arrives and we switch positions. I pack my things and head home. When I get home I see that it's 12:30 am. I check my parents' room and find them both sleeping. I close the door and quietly walk to my room. I quickly shower and change into something more comfy and get in bed. I twist and turn, waiting for sleep to overcome my body.

An hour passes and I become restless. I get out of bed and head to the kitchen for some milk and cookies. After my midnight snack I head back to my room and lay in bed. After some minutes, my body begins to shut down but a cool breeze from my open window immediately gets me up. i could've sworn I locked it. I lock it again go back to bed. I turn off the lamp and see red eyes staring at me from the door. I turn on the lamp and nothing is there.

'I must be seeing things' I say to myself. I turn to my other side and see a red envelope which wasn't there before. With shaking hands I pick up the envelope and open it

'You'll be with me soon my love'

was written in red ink. I quickly turn on the light with the lamp still on, can't to safe. I look around for any idea on who must have put it there but came up empty. After sometime, I finally turn off the lights and head back to bed. Sleep finally takes over my body. I turn off the lamp and it suddenly becomes difficult to keep my eyes open. The last thing I hear before sleep takes over completely is someone saying

'very soon my love'

with someone playing with my hair and a kiss on my forehead.


Alright guys the prologue is out. Please vote and comment what you think. And please bare in mind, this is my first book so please don't be mean. And don't be shy to point out any mistakes.



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