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Some of you asked for a Q&A section. I'm so flattered that people have questions, because it means people are thinking about the book even when they aren't reading it! That' so humbling, you guys. Seriously, thank you so much. I'll add to this as I get more questions.  Anyway, without further ado, here are some of the things you asked!

Q - Are Ani and Kala going to have kids someday?

A - Quite a few of you wanted to know if there would be little Analees and Kalas running around someday. The answer is...I don't know! These characters are strange. I always imagined authors making decisions about their characters, but mine sort of became alternate personalities living inside of me, doing what they wanted instead of what I wanted them to do. Maybe that's how all authors are, I don't know. Anyway, there are a few things throughout the writing of this book that I wanted to know, but my characters wouldn't tell me. That's one of them! I've tried to tease it out of Ani, and she definitely told me she likes kids, but I just don't know if she wants her own.

Q - Will there be a bonus chapter? Do you have other works planned?

A - I guess that was the epilogue. I've thought that if I get any wonderful ideas, I may add a short story here and there about the characters, but I have nothing planned as far as The Gods Of Song And Poetry is concerned. I've considered doing Mey's story, and I've had more than one request for a Pixie spin-off, but I'm not sure yet. I do have an idea for another book with other characters, but it isn't quite actionable yet. I want to try planning one out this time!

Q - Are you a romantic like Ani?

A - Oh, I make Ani look cold and distant! Seriously, yes, I'm pretty much the definition of a romantic. I still cry during kid cartoons once in a while! Every time I worked on or proof read the breakup scene I bawled like crazy. I had to work on it when my family was asleep so they wouldn't worry about me! In some ways, not having any eligible ladies around growing up forced me to spend all of my time idealizing and dreaming about love. I didn't get my first kiss until I was 18 and at college. That was about a year after I started writing this book, and less than a year ago! I'm still dating that gorgeous girl, and actually living with her and her family during this whole Corona crisis.

Q - Is Kelly a part of their present lives?

A - They haven't actually told me, but I suspect that Kelly is still in contact with Ani and going to college in Ohio or Wisconsin. I thought maybe during the epilogue Kala would say she was worried about leaving Ani in Wisconsin for a semester, "especially after Kelly moved back," but she never said it! I'm not sure if that means Kelly didn't move back for college, Kala wasn't worried about it, or if she just didn't want to admit it! For a while, I thought the epilogue would take place at their wedding and we would get to see Kelly and the girls interacting with everyone as young adults, but then Ani started writing kid songs for some reason, and the epilogue took shape all on its own. So, to answer your question...probably?

Q - Did you use people you know to base the characters on?

A - Not really. Since it started as a little something just for my amusement, I was intending to make Ani a lot like me. We share some hobbies, and romanticize life like crazy, but aside from that, we part ways. Almost immediately after I started writing she broke her leash and ran off on me.

Physically, I used a girl I went to high school with for her description. This girl was so breathtaking it was hard not to stare at her, but she considered herself "basic" looking. She was a couple years behind me in school, and straight, so I never actually told her how beautiful I thought she was. I'm pretty sure she figured it out, though. In my opinion, she looks a lot like the model Maddie Teeuws:

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