Chapter 55 - Kala

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Chapter 55 - Kala

The agreed upon time of six o'clock rolled around. I had spent the two hours since I had gotten back from work taking a shower and stressing about what to wear. I knew I was being ridiculous, but I felt like I was getting dressed for a date. I finally settled on jeans, a nice pink button down shirt, and the light blue denim jacket I bought at the Mall of America.

I spared a passing thought for Marzy since she was the one that told me the light blue brought out my eyes better. I had passed up a chance to make a friend because I was afraid it would get back to Kelly that I was talking to someone new. It seemed so petty now. Maybe I should try to find her and apologize, explain myself. It would be like working through one of those twelve step programs I've heard about. I seem to remember one of the steps was going back and apologizing to people you've wronged.

I looked at myself in the mirror, knowing I shouldn't be this worried about if my zircon nose ring matched my outfit or if my slightly wavy hair looked just perfect. I certainly shouldn't be worried about if my bra and panties matched. The last time I worried about that, Isis had been involved. Maybe I should start my twelve steps by apologizing to her...

My thoughts were interrupted by a text notification. I grabbed my purse and headed out, texting with Kala as I walked down the stairs of my dorm.

Kala: I'm here.

Me: On my way!

Kala: I have an idea for what to do tonight. I hope you don't think it's childish!

Me: I have you fast in my fortress, And will not let you depart, But put you down into the dungeon, In the round-tower of my heart.

Kala: Excuse me?

Me: LOL! Sorry! When you said "childish" it reminded me of a poem. What's your idea?

She never answered the text because she spotted me walking towards her car. I hopped in, took one look at her, and paused. She was wearing her hair straight down except for a side braid on the right side of her head that traveled back and disappeared over her shoulder. Her shirt was white and flowy. It made her look dressed up even though she was wearing jeans, and it contrasted brilliantly with her skin tone. She wore a tiger's eye pendant with matching earrings that complemented her dark brown eyes perfectly.

Kala cocked her head. "You gonna shut the door?"

"Oh!" I could feel myself blush. I avoided looking at her again until the door was shut and my seat belt was on. "You look...really nice tonight. I love the braid."

"Thanks. Tara did it. She invited me over so we could get ready for our dates together."

I just about choked.

"I mean, you know, not dates. Well, date for her, but not for me. You know, a friend date."

"I knew what you meant. I was just choking on my gum. That's all. Since when is Tara into braids?"

Kala shrugged. "I don't know. She's really not, I guess. She just suggested a braid for me. I think she was nervous or something, because she was spending all of her energy on me instead of herself. Not that she could look bad. You know Tara."

"Yeah. Huh. Okay, so what's your idea for tonight?"

Kala grinned and narrowed her eyes to look over at me as she drove up to the stop sign by the parking lot exit. She used her free hand to flick open a pair of sunglasses with a dramatic gesture and put them on in one smooth motion.

"We go undercover."

"Excuse me?" I couldn't stop a goofy smile from growing on my face. It had been too long since I'd seen Kala's playful side.

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