Chapter 36 - The Gods Of Song And Poetry

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Chapter 36 - The Gods Of Song And Poetry

December was passing by in a blur. Driver's Training was concluding, both Kelly and I worked a couple nights a week, basketball was eating up a lot of time, and there was the usual school work. Plus, band practices were ramping up in preparation for a couple live gigs Timmy had arranged. It had been months since our last public performance, and we were a little anxious about showing the world our new lineup with me as lead singer.

Kelly and I tried to balance our love lives with our friendships, but it was difficult. We wanted time alone as a couple, and we both wanted time alone with our friends. We also tried to hang out together with the other girls, and not act too lovey dovey.

To make matters worse, Shogun and Peter wanted to double date, so we made time to go bowling and out to eat with them. Also, John and Pixie had started 'hanging out,' and John convinced me to get Pixie to go to the movies with us. We didn't call it a double date, but it was. It was cute watching John try his best to act suave. He and Mark had such a comedy routine going at all times, that seeing him try to get a girl to take him seriously was amusing in itself. Even funnier was watching John doing his best to figure Pixie out. Pixie, for her part, seemed completely calm.

Just before winter break, on a dreary Thursday night, there was an away game for the girls at a school almost an hour away. Since Kala couldn't make it to the school in time to ride the bus with the team, I picked her up from college in my Jeep on my way there so that we could ride together. It would make for a late night, but the next day was only a half day at school since it was the start of Christmas Vacation. I could handle a late night.

A person I assumed to be Kala walked into the campus parking lot and headed straight to my jeep. She was wearing a huge white coat that went past her knees, and had a large, fur lined hood that covered her face. Cute little fur-topped boots scooted quickly through a thin layer of snow. She threw her bags in the back seat and climbed in the front.

"Dear god it's cold out there!" she complained.

"Kala, it's over twenty degrees out!"

"Hush, Elsa, and turn up the heat. I need to change before we get there. I'm not stripping in an icebox."

"You're...? Oh! Okay." My eyes went a bit wider than normal and I turned up the fan.

"What?" Kala smirked. "You act like you haven't seen it before. This time you aren't even an inexperienced little kitten."

"Yeah, but that makes it worse," I smiled at my own embarrassment. "Now I know what to do with a girl. Before, I was just sort of...intimidated."

"Well, keep your eyes on the road and you'll be fine. Speaking of being 'experienced,' now seems like a good time to fill me in on what's happening between you and Kelly. We haven't had ten minutes together since you dropped the 'we had sex' bombshell on me."

"I know! You were in Hawaii for break when it happened. Believe me, you were the first person I thought of."

Kala made an exaggerated sad look, "Ooh, poor Kelly."

I laughed and slapped her arm, even though it was covered with inches of insulation. "I mean you were the first person I wanted to tell, Dumb-butt!"

"I know. So..." She raised her eyebrows inquiringly.

My cheeks were getting hot and I had a goofy smile on my face as I thought about sharing details with Kala.

"Oh my gosh," Kala shook her head as if in wonder, "you are so adorable, Analee. Don't you dare ever change."

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