Chapter 6 - Pump Four

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Chapter 6 - Pump Four

I went to bed early that night since I had to work at seven o'clock in the morning. My dad worked at a local company that had started as a small custom metal shop. It grew over the years to become one of the better employers in our area. They supplied all sorts of metal parts, some outfitted with electronics, to places that customize cars, furniture makers, people that wanted fancy plumbing fixtures, etc.

Most people there were machinists and welders. My dad was one of the engineers. He got me a job there as a "flex" worker, meaning a peon. I would clean and polish things, package stuff, refill bins with supplies the metal workers needed, and other odd jobs. That way the real metal workers could spend time using their skills while people like me did the grunt work. I didn't mind the job at all since it was way better pay than dish washing or working in a grocery store, the only other options in our town for high school kids.

It had an added benefit on days I wasn't in the mood to talk to people. I had to wear ear plugs and safety glasses everywhere. Depending on the area, I also had to wear a face shield or a hard hat. This Monday I was grinding copper parts to make them look pretty, so I had on a face shield and a big leather apron. All the protective gear cut me off from the world and left me alone with my thoughts.

I took the long way home after work because I felt like enjoying my motorcycle. I also wasn't quite ready to engage with other people yet. When I got home, I changed and went for a long run. I went to a scenic overlook that consisted of a bunch of wooden stairs that led up to a series of decks overlooking the town, including several local lakes. The stairs made for good exercise, and it's a wonderful place to clear your head.

I got home and showered in time to grab a bite to eat before taking Kristy to open gym. The teams aren't officially supposed to be holding practices this early in the summer, but they can if they call it "open gym" and claim it isn't mandatory. As I steered my Jeep into the parking lot, Kristy pointed and said, "Hey, I think that's Kelly." She was pointing to a figure walking across the field that connected the school grounds to Kelly's grandparents' neighborhood. "Yep, that's her," she confirmed.

"Didn't you know she would be coming? You act surprised."

Her shoulders slumped and she said, "I guess you're right. See you at eight?"

"Of course."

* * *

Tuesday and Wednesday went pretty much the same way, except by the end of work on Wednesday I could tell my anxiety level was creeping up. If Timmy did have a date with Kelly, he would definitely be bragging about it at band practice. I would have to listen to him and somehow not let anybody know it bothered me. Worse, I was still kind of miffed at myself that it bothered me at all.

At six o'clock I dropped my sister off at open gym, then headed to Tommy's house where we were set up in his garage. My parents would give Kristy a ride home from open gym today since we usually practiced late. Well, late for someone that had to work at seven in the morning.

I saw Cullen's old beater of a car in the driveway, but not Timmy's little scooter. "That's right," I thought. "If they did have a date, what would he do? Pick her up on his scooter?" The idea made me smile. Then I remembered that you could stay home and "watch movies" like I did with Kelly, even if you didn't have a car. I lost my smile.

It was hot out, and the garage door was open to help keep the practice area cooler. "Hey guys," I said as I walked in with my bass and amp.

"Hey beautiful," Tommy said. He was the kind of guy who constantly flirted. It was like breathing to him. He was a good looking guy (or so other girls told me), and he was our front man, so he had no shortage of attention from the ladies when we played gigs.

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