Chapter 41 - Thirty Seconds

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Chapter 41 - Thirty Seconds

"Take Exit one-thirty-two. It's coming up in a few minutes," Kala directed me. "So, dinner first, then find something fun to do?"

"Sure. I'm up for anything, just lead the way. Thanks again for taking the time to do this for me. Seeing Madison and the UW campus will be a whole lot more fun with my own private tour guide."

"Stop thanking me! It's just nice to have you to myself for a couple days. We haven't gotten any quality time since February."

"Well, that isn't entirely my fault," I said with a sideways glance and a smile. "How's Taylor doing, anyway? You guys getting serious?"


"What? Why not? You've been going out since Valentine's Day, right? That's over a month. I mean, I thought at first it was just a V-Day hook up, but when you kept seeing each other..."

"It never got to the 'hook up' point. We've just been hanging out, really. It's not so much dating as...someone to help distract me."

I looked at her knowingly. It was an obvious reference to her crush. She shrugged.

"So, you and Taylor haven't...?"

"Nope. Taylor's pretty cute and everything, but...well, since I realized some people thought I was the kind of girl who would spread her legs for anyone, I guess I wanted to start taking intimacy more seriously. I don't want people looking at me like that. Especially after the Tara incident."

"Kala," I whined, "you know I didn't mean it when I said that. I was scared and defensive. I was being childish. If you have fun with Taylor, and you're attracted...I mean, Taylor's gotta want to, right? You guys have fun when you're together, don't you?"

"Yeah, it's been fun. Taylor's really sweet, but not my idea of forever. So, why drag it out or go to the next level? Especially if it has to end this summer anyway. It would just be another notch on my lipstick case that I don't need."

"Why does it have to end this summer?"

"I'll be moving back to Madison and Taylor will still be in Minocqua. It just isn't a relationship worth a four hour drive to maintain."

"I suppose, if you already know it won't be forever. Besides, you'll be in a city full of potential love interests. Oh! I could be your wingman! Er, wingwoman. I'll need some pointers, though. I've never done that before."

"I'd like to see you being smooth, trying to pick up a girl. Oh, who am I kidding? You'll have girls throwing themselves at you from the minute you step into the dorms."

"I doubt that. Besides, I'll be the boring one that never dates because I have a girl back home."

" really think you and Kelly will be able to handle the whole long-distance relationship thing?"

"Well, yeah. I think so, I mean..."

"Yes?" Kala prompted me when I didn't continue.

"We'll get to see each other every break, and whatever weekends I can sneak away, or that she can come down, but..." This time Kala just looked at me with eyebrows raised, waiting for me. "I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me nervous. I've thought a lot about what you said before about relationships. You know, about people not being static puzzle pieces, but changing with each other? What if we change while we're apart and we stop fitting together quite so well? Or worse, what if she moves back in with her mom and I only get to see her, like, once a month?"

"As I recall, you made fun of me for saying that about people changing together."

"I listen to you, Kala. I may make fun of you, but I always end up taking your advice. I consider you my wisest friend when it comes to life."

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