Chapter 27 - A Beret And A Diamond Studded Collar

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Chapter 27 - A Beret And A Diamond Studded Collar

I made sure I answered the door when Darian came to pick up Kristy for homecoming.

"Darian," I didn't let him get a word in before I greeted him. "Kristy tells me you two 'made a connection' the last time you were up."

The shock on his face as I looked at him sternly was delicious.


"Tell me, Darian, do you plan to make another 'connection' with my sister while you're up this time?"

"No! I-I just...we're here to take the girls to the dance."

"I'm going to be at the same dance, Darian. I'm going to be watching you. I expect you to act like a gentleman at all times, Darian."

"I do! I mean, I will!"

Darian was about three inches shorter than I was, making him roughly Kristy's height. He was cute enough, I suppose, although I was a really bad judge when it came to guys. He had a gap between his two front teeth, glasses, very little muscle tone, and a somewhat 80's hairstyle. It was shaved on the sides, and his fro was trimmed to look boxy. He had big eyes, which his dark skin made stand out all that much more. He was so awkward and shy around girls that I had to believe Kristy when she said that whatever 'connection' they made was her idea. In short, he was the polar opposite of his loud-and-proud, outspoken and confident cousin, DJ.

"Did you bring her flowers?"

He looked panicked. "Kristy said nobody does corsages for hoco."

"It's still your first real date, isn't it? I brought my girlfriend flowers on our first date."

"But...Analee, are you just giving me a hard time? I feel like you're just giving me a hard time." He looked up at me with hopeful eyes, silently pleading with me to be kind.

"Maybe," I took a step forward and leaned over him to emphasize my height advantage, "but that doesn't mean I'm not serious about making sure you treat my sister with respect at all times."

"I will. I promise. I really like Kristy."

"Good. Come on in." I finally moved out of the doorway and let him enter. "So, you'll have Kristy, Mey, and your friend Josh in your car, right?"

"Yep. Josh is at Mey's house being interrogated by her mom as we speak. I just dropped him off there so they could 'get to know him' before they let their daughter go anywhere with him."

"And Peter is driving Shogun, DJ, and your friend Michael?"


"And I've got Kelly, Pixie, and Rizzy. Now, your friends know that Kelly isn't out at school, right? So, they are to keep up the facade that Kelly and I are just there as friends?"

"Absolutely. They know to keep their mouths shut around anyone but our group, and I told them not to post any picture with Kelly and you together, just to be on the safe side."

"Perfect." I took a deep breath and I straightened his bow tie for him. "Thank you, Darian. I suppose if my sister has to start dating, you're not the worst she could have done."

"Thank you?"

Kristy came down the stairs in her red, lacy dress. It was very modest, but short. Her hair was pulled back with a red bow. She and Darian smiled at each other in the most dorky way I could imagine when they saw each other. I rolled my eyes, but they were oblivious to me. I wondered if that's what I looked like when I picked up Kelly for the first time.

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