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"Olivia?" Abby quietly walked toward me. "I made pancakes"

"I don't want any" I said putting the blanket over my head.

"Olivia. You need to eat" this time it was Jacob.

"I said I'm not hungry" I snapped.

"And I said you need to eat" he snapped back.

"Let me sleep" I sighed.

"It's 12pm. You've barely left your room in weeks, it's not healthy. You need to eat something or at least get out of bed."

"You wanna know what's not healthy? Acting like everything is normal when a person is dead! Let me fucking greave!"

"Fine" Jacob sighed walking out and closing my door.

It's been two weeks since I got released from the hospital and everyone keeps on nagging me. They need to realize that I need some time to myself.

This can't simply be fixed by pretending it never happened, because it did happen. Aiden is dead. Logan did try to kill all of us. I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" i sighed not moving from my bed. Reagan walked in closing the door after her.

"Why is it so dark in here?" She asked sitting beside me. When I ignored her she spoke again. "Why are you shutting me out? You never shut me out. We're best friends, and we are supposed to be there for each other but your not letting me be there for you."

"It's not that simple" I sighed. I'm not even sure why she was here, I didn't want her here. I didn't want anyone here.

"Why not? I get your upset. Why don't you let me be upset with you. Common Olivia let me be your best friend"

"I'm sorry"

"Stop being so quiet! Talk to me. Please I'm begging you"

When I didn't respond she just left. I was tearing my family apart.


"Get up Olivia" Jacob sighed.

"No" I snapped.

"I wasn't asking" he snapped.

"Fuck off!"

"No. Meet me in the kitchen in two minutes" he mumbled before walking out.

"Ughhhh" I got out of bed and walked straight in to the kitchen. My hair looked horrible and I haven't changed my clothes in days.

"Sit" Jacob ordered pointing to a seat at that table. I sat down with my arms crossed glaring at him. "What do you want to eat?"

When I didn't answer he made me a grilled cheese.


"I don't want to talk to you" I mumbled.

"Fine but your talking to someone so if your gonna refuse to talk to me then you can talk to a therapist"

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