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Today is Friday and I just finished my last day of school before Christmas break. I was so excited about Christmas, especially because we got a month off from school.

Jacob wouldn't leave me alone lately, ever since the whole warehouse incident, he has been super annoying. Whenever I try to go out he says I can't because it's dangerous but then when I ask why he won't answer.

He won't even let me and Abby take the bus to school anymore because it's too dangerous. I don't really mind because I hate the bus, but it's a little bit irritating.

The day after the warehouse incident I saw Aiden at school and he looked terrible. He had a broken arm and was covered in bruises, when I tried to ask him what happened he told me to ask my brother. So I did and Jacob told me he didn't do anything. Which I don't exactly believe but I decided to let it go for now.

I pushed through the crowd of people to get outside and made my way to Jacob's car. I threw my bag in the backseat beside Abby and got into the front.

"Hey" Jacob greeted me driving off from the school.

"Hi" I mumbled.

"Hi!" Abby yelled from the back. She was going through a phase right now where she wanted to be included in everything.

"You guys want hot chocolate?" Jacob asked. Both me and Abby nodded eagerly.

"I'm so excited for Santa to come," Abby said from the back seat.

"Me too" I smiled. Jacob and I always made sure to leave presents under the tree from Santa for Abby. Since our childhoods were ruined by our parents that doesn't mean that Abby's has to be to.

"Is Reagan spending Christmas with us this year?" Jacob asked me.

"I think so," I said grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I just got it back a couple of days ago. "I'll text her."

"Is mommy spending Christmas with us?" Abby asked from the back seat. She hasn't asked about our parents in a while.

"Not this year baby," Jacob said forcing a smile. Since our parents were never really in Abby's life she didn't ask about them too often. She was so little she didn't even know that our family wasn't exactly your normal family. To her this was normal, it was all she ever knew.

"Why not?" Abby asked.

"She's busy," I said bluntly, I wasn't gonna sugar coat it for her as Jacob does. Our parents sucked and I don't know why Jacob wouldn't just tell her that. Our dad hasn't been around in years and our mom usually stops by when she wants money. But she hasn't been around for a long time.

"Doing What?" Abby asked I was getting kind of sick of all her questions. I was about to snap when Jacob answered her question. He had more patience with her then I did.

"She's just busy with work probably" Jacob smiled. That was definitely not true, I doubt she even has a job. "Why don't we give her a call tonight?"

"Ya," Abby cheered. I was not looking forward to that, the phone call would most likely not end well. I was probably going to go lock myself in my room when they called her.

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