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I've never liked mornings and I didn't understand how people did. I liked sleeping. It let me escape the world which came in handy when you have my life.

I got out of bed and looked at the bed beside me. My adorable little sister lay curled on the covers. Smiling, I made my way to our kitchen. I opened the cupboards to get the cereal.

I grabbed two bowls and filled them halfway, then grabbed some milk from the fridge and set it next to the bowls.

I walked down the hall and into our room to see her sleeping peacefully in her bed.

She looked so young and pure, Abby deserved better. She only had me and Jacob to look after her because my parents bailed. I walked towards her and slightly shook her awake.

"Abby wake up" she slowly got up and rubbed her eyes pushing the brown curls out of her face revealing her chocolate brown eyes and pink rosy cheeks.

"Olivia?" She sounded confused, even though we went threw this every morning.

"Ya, come on. You gotta get up. You have school today" I made my way to my closet to get clothes and helped her pick out an outfit for the day. She was only five so last time she picked out her own outfit she was wearing jeans and her princess gown from Halloween.

We finally made our way Into the kitchen. She plopped down at the table and I slid the bowl over to her.

"Where's Jacob?" Abby asked with a mouth full of cereal. I smiled.

"I think he's still sleeping. Why don't I go check?" I suggested, to which she smiled eagerly.

I walked into his room to find him still sleeping, as I expected. At least he came home this time. Sometime he'd stay out all night doing god knows what. He thinks I don't know, but I've seen him walking in and out that door at two in the morning.

"Jacob get up, Abby is asking for you" he grumbled in response. So I threw a pillow at his head like the loving sister I am.

"What the hell?" he groaned tiredly. Dramatic much, I just rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour.

"Get up, don't you have work soon?" I asked, the irritation clear in my voice.

He looked at his watch, groaned and then shot out of bed.

"Dammit, I have to be at work in an hour" he ran frantically into the bathroom with a towel. Probably going for a shower.

I rolled my eyes and walked back into the kitchen and saw Abby still eating her cereal. Our small apartment wasn't great, the paint was peeling off the walls and the white floor tiles creaked as I walked.

It was a two-bedroom apartment so I shared a room with Abby. Sharing a room with a five-year-old has its flaws, like when I wake up to her colouring on my face or when she plays dress-up with my clothes.

She also loves to ask one million random questions in the middle of the night. One night she asked me if butter was made out of butterfly's and when I told her no she didn't believe me and cried for the rest of the night. After that, she refused to eat butter for months. I think she just forgot about it one night.

"Jacob!" My thoughts were interrupted by my little sister jumping into my brother's arms.

"Hey munchkin," he said catching her. Kids honestly have no fear. Jacob was a lot closer with Abby then I was. He practically raised her since she was born and he's the only parent she's ever known.

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