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"Jacob hurry up!" I yelled. We were about to go visit Reagan in the hospital because she just woke up but Jacob is taking forever to get up.

"Relax liv. She's not gonna go anywhere" Jacob told me walking out of his bedroom.

"We don't know that considering her crazy ass parents are in town" I mumbled.

"They're not that bad"

"Understatement of the century. They are horrible people" I exclaimed. I needed to get to the hospital ASAP so I could tell Reagan who hit her. I hadn't told anyone that information yet because I wasn't sure if it was true and I needed answers. Plus if I tell Jacob then he will just tell me to stay out of it.

"Ya Jacob. Horrible!" Abby exclaimed. I doubt she even knew what that meant but I appreciated the support none the less.

"Ok fine. Let's just get going" he said walking toward the door. Abby and followed after him.

I put Abby in the back seat then got into the front. Jacob started the car and drove off.

"Drive faster!!!" Abby yelled from the back seat. She was very excited to see Reagan.

"Relax Abby I'm going as fast as I can. I can't go over the speed limit" Jacob told her keeping his attention towards the road.

"Screw the speed limit" Abby yelled putting her hands in the air. This kid was wild.

"Where did you even learn that from?" I asked.

"Reagan" she smirked.

"Of course" Jacob rolled his eyes. "Olivia when we go in here don't pick any fights with Reagan's parents. That's not what she needs from you right now."

"I know. I know" I sighed.

"I can hit her dad?" Abby suggested.

"No hitting" Jacob told her. She's going threw a faze we're she loves to hurt people. Psychopathic child.

"I know. I know" she said copying what I said earlier. "Let it go. Let it go! Can't hold back anymore!-"

"Shut up" I yelled interrupting Abby's solo.

"No," Abby said and was about to start singing again until Jacob thankfully intervened.

"Honey your voice is beautiful but let's sing later. Like at school or anywhere I'm not" Jacob told her.

We finally arrived at the hospital, I never thought I would be so happy to be here. We all jumped out of the car and rushed inside.

I ran threw the halls trying to find Reagan's hospital room.

"Reagan!" I yelled running toward her as I finally found the right one. I hugged her, I was so happy to see her alive.

"Oww" Reagan grunted as I crushed her in a hug.

"Oh shit sorry" I mumbled sitting beside her bed.

"Olivia" Reagan's mom aka Satan said.

"Mom, can you please give us some time alone?" Reagan asked. She nodded before leaving us alone.

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