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I finally got the courage to open my eyes. Jacob shot Logan. Jacob shot him in the arm causing him to drop his gun and loosen his grip on Abby. Before we could do anything Logan ran out the door. Jacob was about to run after him but once he saw Abby crying, he made that his #1 priority.

"Oh my god," I mumbled finally being able to speak. This situation felt serial.

"Shouldn't we call the police?" Reagan asked.

"No. That will only cause more chaos" Jacob told us. He walked over to Abby and picked her up. "Are you guys okay? He didn't hurt you right?!"

"I'm fine" Reagan and I mumbled.


"I'm okay" she mumbled, her eyes still filled with tears. What has my life become? I wanted to kill Logan for hurting her. She's just a kid.

"Jacob I want answers," I told him firmly. Reagan nodded her head in agreement.

"What do you want to know?" Jacob asked hesitantly.

"Why did that guy say he was my dad? Was he like high or something?" I asked frantically.

"Olivia.." Jacob started.

"No! No more secrets" I yelled, I know I was being a hypocrite but this was about me I had a right to know.

"Fine" Jacob sighed. "Yes, Logan is your father."

"I don't believe you" I crossed my arms. Jacob rolled his eyes at my stubbornness. How did he expect me to react?

"Reagan, can you take Abby into her bedroom? I want to talk to Olivia alone" Jacob told her.

Reagan walked over and grabbed Abby off of Jacob and made her way to my room.

"So?" I asked impatiently.

"Okay, So Cole and Jennifer had me first, as you know. But Jennifer cheated on Cole with Logan. Cole never knew she was having an affair so he always thought you were his biological child" Jacob explained.

"What about Abby?" I asked. This meant that Jacob was my half brother. I always thought Cole was my dad, my whole life is a lie.

"Logan is also her father. Jennifer was cheating on Cole the entire time they were together" Jacob explained. My parents were never really together, they never even got married. But we all lived together when I was little.

"Why did Logan come after us? Why now?" I asked.

"I've been giving him money over the years to keep him away but once he found out that you were dealing and still in this town he decided to come after you," he told me.

"I don't get it. If he wants me dead then why didn't he kill me when he had the chance?" I asked.

"I don't know" Jacob sighed. "But he's not going to hurt you. I'll take care of this."

"I want to help," I told him firmly.

"No Olivia. It's too dangerous" he told me.

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