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I turned my phone off as quickly as possible but it wasn't quick enough, Jacob stepped away from the door as we made eye contact.

His facial expressions were mad and confused. I was considering all my options here. I could just start running, or hot wire his car, the only issue is I'm not sure how to hotwire a car. I just silently stood there I didn't want to say the wrong thing and incriminate myself even more.

"Olivia?" Jacob growled walking towards me. I slowly stepped out of the corner I was hidden behind.

"No, it's not Olivia. I'm Michael" I said the first thing that came to my mind, I was already in deep shit so might as well have some fun. "Michael has to go now".

I tried to walk away but Jacob was faster than me. He grabbed my wrist before I could make a run for it.

"Olivia, What the fuck are you doing here? Did you follow me? How did you even get here?" He asked me, he was practically yelling at this point.

"Well, my dearest brother since you asked, It is just a random coincidence that we are here at the same time. I was just taking a nightly stroll around town when I came across this big building so-" before I could continue I was very rudely interrupted.

"Oh, so you walked here? It's like a 20-minute drive dumbass." I could hear the sarcasm in his voice. I was going to make a snarky remark but decided against it because I didn't really want to make him madder.

"Whatever. were going home. We will talk in the car" Jacob said and started walking towards the car not letting go of my wrist. I pulled away from his grip and stood there looking at the warehouse.

"What's in there?" I asked.

"Nothing" Jacob practically growled at me. "Olivia legs go".

"I wanna go inside," I said. I didn't want to make this whole trip worth nothing.

"I don't give a shit what you want, now get in the car or I swear to god" he commanded me. Usually, I don't take orders from anyone but Jacob was kind of scaring me right now so I cautiously opened the door and sat in the passenger seat.

"Look I'm-" I tried to apologize.

"Shut up" Jacob cut me off. "Why the hell were you there?".

Didn't he just tell me to shut up? This guy was sending mixed messages. "Umm I" I didn't know what to say, I can't exactly tell him that I think he has some big secret.

"And don't lie to me"

"I was bored and I wanted to see what you were doing?" I think that sounded somewhat believable.

"How did you even get here? And don't say you walked because that's just stupid. even for you" Jacob stated.

"I was in the trunk," I said quietly.

"You're so fucking stupid, you just don't think Olivia. Now tell me why you actually followed me here?" Jacob said. He was starting to scare me at this point.

"I wanted to know where you go at night, so I followed you" I mumbled.

"What I do is my business," he told me. I could hear the anger in his voice.

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