Chapter 4

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"Well, well, well, finally huh?" Alex was chained to the ceiling while the rest were chained to chairs. Alex glared as the man paced around him in circles. "I guess you guys are wondering why I said finally. Me and your comrade here are friends-"
"I am not your F*ing friend." Alex spat. That earn him a punch to the face. K-unit flinched but Alex, who was the one receiving the hard blow, did not even react. He simply pushed his tongue against the inside of his cheek and spat out a tooth that came loose. "I'm heartbroken you never told them about us."
The man whipped Alex with a horse whip. The whip slashed his back, splitting the skin and swelling up the edges of it, blood spilled sluggishly from the wound. "You never told them you-"
"Shut up! What the f* do you want?!"
"We want you dead. " everyone stared in shock. "Anyways you never told them you trained with Scorpia."
The sentence caused enough effect. "You what?" Wolf hissed angrily. "You-" the man was interrupt by Alex. "Shut up! Leave them alone! You want me right?! You have me already! Leave. Them. Alone."
"I'm afraid we can't do that, Alex but we surely can not touch them as much." Another swing at Alex with the whip, and another and another until Alex is littered with cuts all over. "Take them back. Leave Alex here, I handle him."
"They aren't soldiers!!" The combat instructor exclaimed. "A-unit, C-unit move out! We're going to have to save them." Tyler ordered. Please be safe. Especially you Cub.
K-unit was dumped back into the same room and freed from their bonds. Alex glared as the man continued pacing around him. He pulled out a gun and aimed at his head. He pulled the trigger. Alex waited for it to come but it didn't. The bullet whizzed past his head, grazing it but not hitting his head. Blood poured out from the wound and down his face. The sound of bullet hitting something was heard from behind him. It hit the camera in the corner of the room. The man moved behind him and used the butt of his gun to strike Alex's head. It didn't knock Alex out but Alex pretended it did. His head dropped and his body slacked slightly. Alex was being a dead weight. The man freed Alex from the bonds and allowed Alex to drop to the ground, hard. When he turned his back, Alex chose this opportunity to strike. He jumped up quietly and kicked. His boot connected with the man's head. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he slumped to the ground, unconscious. Alex felt a wave of dizziness hit him. He steadied himself and searched the man for weapons he can use, he was stripped off his weapons when he was captured but they didn't find all his weapons. He still has weapons in his boots but he don't want the enemy to have a weapon to use against him so he has to search despite the pain from bending over causing the wounds to stretch wider and the pounding headache that is irritating rather than painful. Alex bounded the man before proceeding to the door. He readied the gun as he opened the door cautiously and peered out. No one. Alex walked briskly towards where he thinks they were held before. He can hear k-unit clearly. Even better. He opened the door and k-unit launched at him thinking that he was the enemy. Alex dodge the attack. "Hey! Hey! Hey!" Alex exclaimed. "Let's go. We don't have much time."
They regarded him suspiciously. "How do we know we can trust you?" Alex didn't respond. He shoved snake away as a gun shot rang out. He got hit full on in the stomach, he staggered back as he clutched his fresh gun wound. He raised his own gun and shot at the one who shot at them. Alex's bullet entered and exited the guy's head, dead centre. K-unit looked at Alex. He showed no emotions killing the guy. That's what a Scorpia trained personnel is. Emotionless and heartless bastards. They thought as Alex walked forward and searched the fallen guy for weapons. He also doesn't looked fazed by the fact that he is searching a dead guy's body. He doesn't show respect for a dead guy. K-unit thought, their thoughts are all negative about Alex because he trained with Scorpia before. Alex gave them the guns he found and the one he has. He took the knifes. They made a sound of amusement and disbelieve. "Never bring knifes to a gun fight, traitor." Wolf said, he called Alex a traitor. Alex ignored him and twirled a knife between his fingers. Chaos broke out when they reached the exit. Gun shots rang out and they ducked to avoid it. K-unit got out of the building but realise that Alex wasn't with them. Alex was being pinned against the wall by several huge men that is like 20x larger than Alex's size all together. Literally. Alex struggled hard against them but with an injured body and a bleeding head it's difficult. "Go!!" Alex exclaimed as one got him into a neck choke. "Go-" Alex couldn't complete his sentence because that guy gave a squeeze and he lost consciousness. K-unit fled, not really sure whether they regret leaving Alex or not. Leave no man behind. But he is a traitor so why not?

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