Chapter 10

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They arrived in their apartment in Rome after those long hours on the plane. "Finally!" Eagle exclaimed. Alex chose the room in the very corner. It was near the back door. Wolf took the one next to his, Snake next to
Wolf, Fox next to Snake, Eagle next Fox. Alex stayed in his room to read the mission file. He can easily memorise the mission file just reading it once. He is just worried that k-unit would blow their own cover. He put on his two steel lip ring, ear studs - one on each ear - and steel ear rings - two one each ear, two brow ring on his left. He also put on a wide black ring with steel borders on his right thumb and a thin steel ring on his left middle finger. Alex's short hair was his natural hair colour - see pic. Alex walked out off his room after he grabbed his phone, wallet, tucked his gun into his waistband under his black hoodie and headed for the front door, pausing in the living room where k-unit is now lazing around in. They took in his appearance with a shock expression. He looks hot but why is he wearing so many piercings? "Why are you wearing so many piercing?" Eagle asked. "It's how I'm suppose to be for this mission. Although, my appearance is a little... Off from how I am suppose to act. I'm suppose to act all mature and good-mannered." Alex said with a shrug. "What do you guys wanna eat? I'm gonna go get it."
"I dunno... You choose Cu- Alex." Wolf said catching his slip. They are suppose to call each other by their names set in the profile, which is their own name just a different surname. "Alright, I'm gonna walk around and see what there is." Alex said and headed for the door.
Alex walked in the neighbourhood, some look at him, suspicious of the newbie in town.

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