Chapter 26

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Alex decided that the safest course of action is to ditch the car a distance away from the safe house. Alex told them where the safe house was just in case he couldn't make it there conscious. He could feel his body giving out and he knew he wouldn't have long before he collapses. He had made sure that the car would begin rolling forwards and towards the cliffside where the water crashed harshly against the jagged rocks. He calculated that the impact would be enough to break the car up and cause it to blow up, burning all evidence then the tide would carry the bits away into the ocean further rusting it to prevent anything from being linked back to them.
Alex blinked quickly, trying to stay conscious. He pushed himself to keep walking but his legs were not cooperating with him.
Eagle had noticed that he had slowed down significantly so he decided to match the boy's speed just so that he doesn't feel left behind. He could hear the boy's breathing change just the slightest bit, making him move closer just in case the boy needed someone to hold onto. He felt a hand grasp the bottom of his sleeves. "Eagle, I can't-" Alex started but before he could finish his sentence, his legs gave out from beneath him. Eagle watched in horror as the boy's eyes rolled back and he started to fall backwards.
"Cub!" Eagle's shout caught everyone's attention, making them turn as they saw Eagle catching the boy before he hit the floor.
They had been really close to the safe house and Alex had already told them beforehand how to get into the house. Fox ran forward to open the door to the house whilst Eagle scooped the boy up into his arms and sprinted after Fox, not caring that he shouldn't have moved the boy before Snake could do an evaluation. Alex had drilled it into their heads that they must get into the safe house as quickly as possible no matter what happens. They had noted that he had stressed the words 'no matter what happens', did that mean that Cub knew he physically couldn't have made it back to the house or was Cub just being extra cautious? Maybe a little bit of both but they were all leaning towards the first.

Eagle laid the boy down on the couch, that being the first most comfortable thing that he saw. Fox had continued into the house, searching for first aid kits when Eagle had entered the house with Alex. Wolf went off to find a container to bring water to Snake, knowing that the medic wanted to clean the wounds.
"I found the first aid kit!" Fox yelled, thundering down the steps with a box in hand. Snake was kneeling beside Alex, checking his vitals. The boy's heartbeat was a little too fast for his liking but it was steady for now. Snake went about removing the old bandages, trying not to cringe at how some of them were already starting to get infected. Snake felt the others shift behind him, uncomfortable by the sight.
Eagle was the first to move away, mumbling something about checking out the house. Snake quickly washed it, sanitising it before applying the antibiotic ointment in the kit and putting a bandage on it. The medic repeated the steps for all the wounds, all the while checking his vitals and whether or not he was getting a fever. It would be a blessing and a nightmare if the boy gets a fever. The fever would help fight off the infection but if it gets too high, he might be in mortal danger.

When Snake was finally done, Alex was still unconscious on the couch. The others had tried to cook something up to eat but they didn't really feel like eating when Cub is unconscious from the injuries he had received just so that they had to watch him suffering and be tortured. The door to the safe house opened, making them draw their weapons, ready to shoot if necessary to defend Cub.
"Whoa whoa! I'm his friend." The man said, raising his hands up. The unit stared at him suspiciously. "I am princess' friend," Dima said, knowing that they remembered him calling Alex a princess and that no one else other than his boyfriend could call him princess. The unit slowly lowered their guns and went to ask to sulking. "He'll be fine. He always bounces back."
"Well... That's great and all but when he does bounce back he says he is always shipped off for another mission." Fox grumbled. Dima flinched knowing how true that is about to be.
"Well, that doesn't matter right now. What matters is that you guys should eat something, Alex wouldn't be happy if he wakes up and finds out that you guys can't even feed yourselves." Dima joked, making the soldiers send him a weak glare for implying that they are babies and are unable to find food to put in their stomachs. They sighed and went about getting food ready while Dima went over to Alex, running a hand through his hair, checking to see if the boy was doing as okay as he looked.

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