Chapter 27

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Dima was sitting on the floor, guarding Alex like a hawk when he felt the boy shifting. He was immediately on his knees, checking vitals to make sure that the shift didn't mean anything bad. K-unit was sitting at the dining table talking quietly, not noticing that Dima had gotten up from his spot to check on Alex. Dima ran a hand through the boy's hair, his fever seems to be dissipating. He had thrown the jacket that he bought with him for Alex over the boy like a blanket when he arrived before.
Alex felt like his eyes were glued shut when he tried to open them. He blinked a few times in an attempt to wake himself up, everything was sore and he felt so exhausted. He could see a face before him but he couldn't tell who it was making him panic. "It's just me, Alex," Dima muttered in Russian, the boy slowly calming down and settled. He watched the boy squint a few time before, "Dima?"
"Yes, Alexander?" Dima replied in Russian, further reassuring the boy as only the man would call Alex 'Alexander'.
"Where's my unit?" Alex asked, immediately shooting into a sitting position. That made Alex regret his life choices once again when he was confronted with blinding white vision and dizziness. Dima was chastising him about sitting up so quickly but Alex didn't seem to have heard anything the Russian said. "What the f*ck," Alex muttered, pain throbbing from everywhere possible. K-unit was immediately next to him when they heard Dima cursing, ready to leap into action.
"There they are, the unit you're so worried about that you don't care for yourself." Dima grumbled, upset that the teen was not taking good care of himself. Yassen had asked him to take care of Alex and help Alex whenever the teen calls but this has been proven really difficult when the teen is this suicidal mess that runs into danger instead of away from the danger. Yasha, you fell in love with such an incorrigible person. Ugh, now that I think about it, you are quite incorrigible too. You two stubborn fools, perfect for each other. Dima mused as he held onto Alex so that the boy doesn't tip over from the dizziness and fall on his injuries.
"Where did this jacket come from?" Alex asked when he noticed that he had been subconsciously holding the jacket close to himself. It smells awfully familiar to Alex but his painfilled brain seems to be unable to piece together information at the moment. They had all shifted so that everyone was sitting around in the living room, within ear-shot. K-unit turned to look, it was just a simple black zip-up jacket with a soft lining for warmth on the inside, it seemed a little bit big on the teen but the jacket isn't his anyways.
Dima looked at Alex with a small smile, "that was your boyfriend's." Alex froze, not expecting that response.
"I was cleaning his house and I packed things up to put in a storage room so that you could have it when I'm done. I kept one of his jackets with me - well you know... I thought that you might want something of his before I pack the rest away - because I heard the news that you were somewhat nearby I was going to fly down to Rome to give it to you this weekend but then here you are." Dima explained. K-unit was torn between going to comfort the boy and leaving him alone right now. He looked like he was going to break into pieces right in front of them. Alex's jaw clenched slightly before he dropped his head into the jacket, tucking his knees to his chest, not caring that it might potentially rip his stitches. They could hear the boy taking in deep breaths as if trying to calm himself from an outburst. Dima sighed, he knew this was going to happen. When he decided to bring the jacket with him, he knew that there was going to be one of two outcomes. One was that the boy would get angry and chuck it far away, not wanting to be reminded of Yassen. Two was that the boy would potentially suffer a mental breakdown, this being the option he was leaning towards.

The Russian assassin had told him that the spy would burn out sooner or later if the intelligence agencies keep using him like this. Yassen had hoped that the boy would quit soon, fake his own death whatever, but it seems that MI6 doesn't care for him, they only looked for him when they needed him. It wasn't that he hadn't tried faking his own death, it was that he did so and MI6 ignored him for a bit before they easily located him in Australia when they had needed him for a mission. It had hurt Alex deeply when he knew that MI6 could easily track him when they need him but when he needs them when he had been captured, they just ignore him like he was replaceable - which he was but then why haven't they replaced him yet? Why go across the world to look for him when all he wanted was to disappear?

Alex had thought about suicide but he didn't want to disappoint Yassen with his choice; even if the Russian had been dead for quite a while now. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. Alex chanted to himself, angry that something as simple as a smell can send him tumbling over the edge with feelings.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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